The Wishing Well

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Prompt- Never throw a coin into a wishing well.

I've always been told,

"Be careful what you wish for."

To be honest It's not like I've never strayed from my path before. Who wouldn't if they were curious about what the world offered, and who they could be?

A few times after my short walk to school and home, I encountered this tiny being. She encompassed light, peace and power. 

I met her when I was eight years old, I was small then, but smart enough to know that what I saw fly high in the air and sparkled like the sun, was something from a fairytale. 

We became fast friends, she taught me magic tricks and otherworldly talk, while I helped my small friend to do tasks like sewing, dancing, painting and singing. 

I learned her name one crisp evening. Serena-June she called herself. I was delighted and in awe that pixies would choose their own names. 

I called myself River because I loved the coolness of the water sloshing my toes, and I could spell it without any errors.

She informed me that she lived somewhere in the sky and that she wasn't from this earth. I could easily have guessed, based on the fact that she was as tiny as my hand. 

I asked her questions often, rarely speaking to her about anything else. It was intriguing as a kid and she sparked my interest, though my five sibling's found me to be insane, I didn't pay attention to their snide remarks.

I never told a soul about the pixie at the well, she was my little well kept secret, only I could adore.

"There you are." Her voice was sweet and polite like a feather swaying in spring's blissful wind.

Serena-June fluttered her green wings and sat on the brick that made the well. I plopped my satchel and butt down on the dry grass, which ran on for miles. All you could see around my community was trees, forests, a creek, twigs, grass, fields and green rolling hills.

That's how I liked Atkins village, it was my home after all. 

"Little Lilly," She always called me that because that was what a teacher would nickname their pupil's in her magical realm.

"Do you have a burning question?" I could tell she saw the fire ignited in my soul that raced and swirled in my eyes.

I nod my head slightly, my shaggy brown ponytail shook.

"Where does magic come from?" I question with a half-smile.

"Colours." Whispered the little pixie in a mystical tone.

"How is that possible?" My brows knit up with confusion, as a child it was a difficult concept to understand.

"It's the law. " Serena-June explained patiently. 

"Every pixie is assigned it's rightful colour when they come of age. Some are in the same colour circle, these fairies become close to you or your relatives. Such as violet, lavender and dark purple. "

I smiled effortlessly, understanding her foreign land much more, once she told me more. 

I bit my lip as my thumb and index finger skimmed my chin.

I observed aloud with a bright beam in my eyes,

"You talk about the selector all the time..." I stayed with big hazel eyes. 

"But who is the selector?" 

The question made the tiny pixie mumble something underneath her breath, which appeared as if she were smaller than normal.

Shifting my position, from cross-legged, to laying flat on my stomach, I saw her look discouraged by not knowing a clear answer to my obviously complex question.

" We know he is a human - like you are - and a young man based on the legends writing, but no one knows who this man is. It could be a lie, hoax or just a story the elders tell their grandchildren..." 

The pixie lost her train of thought when I spoke up.

" Well, I believe it!" I admitted standing up by the well, I stood only half as tall as the height of the old bricks, confident with a hand on my hip.

A few weeks passed, and I had travelled back to the well, with Serena-June nowhere in sight.

My heartbeat quickened in fear she was not alright.

I wished on a coin that day, I probably would never had If I didn't watch all of those fantasy plays in the village, or if I'd had my own set of influential, and dear friends from class. 

But, none of those were the case.

I wished what any 10 year old would want when they felt misunderstood, lonely and bored.

I wished for an adventure!

That was achieved on many levels I never could have guessed.

A/N: Thanks for reading this Bella Babes 💛💛💛 Please comment, lately the edits on my stories have helped me improve my writing and grammar.

( I will continue editing 👍) Also, add my Short Stories collection to your reading list then you don't miss any updates. Vote if you liked it, and share this with your friends. ✅

Hugs. See you in the next update.

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