Sugar and Spice but not everything nice

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Summary: A baker's niece Jaylen has a secret. She runs her aunt's bakery when her aunt is gone and makes a tech version that only she works really late at night to get an income to help her family. Axon helps her pull off this charade in order for her to like him more.


"Hot!!!" Shouted Jaylen as when a waiter flung a burning dark roasted drink on her tanned arms, grabbing multiple napkins she tried to wipe off the very noticeable spill.

The waiter was a smooth skinned, caucasian guy in black and white like the other employees.

He had floppy curled brown hair pulled back, a lean build and boyish young face, with golden earrings lining his right ear.

He had muscles too, Jayden couldn't help but peek at his shocked face.

He wiped off some of the stain, mainly smudging it more. She annoyingly muttered " It's not use." He turned pale and looked  worried about the losing a customer.

Especially one he thought looked pretty with her hair hiding her shoulders like a dark brown cloak.

"My bad. I'm so sorry, let me get you something to order on the house." He nervously offered shaking his head to focus on his job and not another pretty girl in the coffee shop.

Jaylen just shook her head no and sighed, putting a cream bookmark into a classic novel.

Leaving the crowded cafe, she swerved left, right before the male waiter could follow her.

The little silver bell on the door indicated she was entering somewhere new.

Cool wind whipped her straight dark  hair and maxi skirt behind her.

She barely made it to the "Sugar & Spice Patisseries" on time, as she glanced at her aunt, who was quickly doing one million and one things at once.

She was the description of "work hard, play hard" and a professional at her dream job.

Her aunt had very blue eyes like the sky like Jaylen's grandparents. Her aunt's hair, which she recently got curled and faded to ombre, fell to her shoulders. Her bangs threatened to fall near her eyes while serving Sickly sweet cinnamon rolls, Pumpkin pies, and a Cherry-mint chocolate cake with buttercream frosting, and fresh orange juice in cups to a table of four.

Passing the tables with lake pink tablecloths, pretty appealing desserts lined the walls and to the far right, a chalkboard with recipes they sold hung crookedly on a wall.

The white booths on her left shimmered all of it spotless, while she walked past the cash register to the old brown door creaking as she entered.

Jaylen felt tired and was craving sugar, like a big helping of tiramisu cake from her mother's birthday party.

She scavenged the fridge to look for the dessert, in the dark employees only room, hoping not to be caught by her Aunt.

She was usually stuck taking orders on weekdays when Jaylen arrived, while the other hired employees, with tacky cupcake hats, accepted money from paying customers, who always gave great reviews and said they,

"Loved and really connected to the little hole in the wall of a store. "

Her brown eyes brightened from the bright light streaming from the mini-fridge.

Chocolate bars, candies from months ago, her aunt's diet Coke, icing that needed to be used, and a jar of pickles was displayed. But, not Tiramisu to be spotted.

After eating half a pickle and biting into hard chocolate that smeared her mouth, she drank the Diet coke for good measure and shut the door loudly.

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