Bus Stop

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Writing prompt: ( Feel free to use these too)

Music Playlist ( songs that I have been liking so far that I think the main female character would listen to ) 

~ The Feels ~ Twice

~TT ~ Twice

~ Happy ~ Taeyeon 

~Tim Mc Graw ~ Taylor Swift

~ Love Song~ Selena Gomez

~ Kill This Love~ Black Pink

~ LaLisa ~ Lisa from Black Pink

~ Astronomy ~ Conan  Gray

~ You Belong With Me ~ Taylor Swift 

~Stay Gold ~ BTS

~ Kissing in The Cold ~ Julia Michaels

Add some of your favorite songs in the comments  I'd love to know what you've been listening to and if you enjoy some of the songs I like.

that relate to some of what I've written. Stay tuned for more parts on this same prompt, I hope you really enjoy and suggestions or edits ypu have  on my writing is much appreciated. <3 Add this to your playlist to be notified whenever I can update more :3

Two people meet at a bus stop, both are headed to a warm coffee shop in the middle of winter. While waiting for half an hour, they decide that the least they can do is talk and get to know each other.

"What's the name of a show or movie that made you last cry?" She asked him out of the blue.

 The sky clear of clouds little pieces of snow fall down quickly like rippeed papers and her heart beats rapidly under her designer  coat nervous being by a strange gentleman seated on her right. He glanced at her once, than twice realizing she wore a brown long fur trench coat that he'd seen in a store magazine with a polynesian model. It could have been fake fur.

How would he know? He never really paid attention to women's fashion, sustainable fashion, or clothes in general. He crushed his solid jet black boots into the frozen ice splitting pieces of slush, ice and snow around him. He spotted his breath in the - 14 weather.

His thoughts wandered as he thought about the short girl with un naturally dyed hair like a fuzzy peach. He hated peaches yet something intrigued him to sit a bit closer to her on the freezing cold metal bench. She looked away shly covering her face with her pale pink gloves. 

Maybe she's trying to stay warm? Or embarassed for asking such a random question. 

He felt it was the latter.

 He thought while feigning to checking his texts trying not to look too awkward.

" Um.." He tapped her thin shoulder lightly.

"Yes?" She responded facing him with a half smile, her cheeks rosy from the very brisk weather.

"It's  All The Bright Places..." he shyly confessed looking down slightly.

" I haven't seen it she says increasing her smile's brightness like a window opening slowly to let in fresh air.

"Can I ask you something?" Un charactersitically he felt bold, clearing his throat he  continued looked deep into her brown eyes lit like a fire the shade of gooey chocolate. 

"Where are you heading?" Desperately hoping he didn't come off stalker like or as if he just wanted to know about her personal life, he fiddles with his keys for his apartmement.

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