TIME: 8 a.m
Mike came to know that something has been missing from his life.
He makes a call to Dad for some answers.
DAD: Hello Mike! You wake up early?
MIKE: DAD! Where is my football?
DAD: Don't you know? You'd take him with you.
Mike cut the call.
Start searching everywhere
Near the bed, in the window, in the drawer, in the dusty room which was full of strange portrait...
But didn't get anywhere...
He closed the door of that dusty...portrait room, a Football was stuck between the wall and behind the door. When he closed the door, the football falls down and flow towards Mike's leg.
Mike picked up the football and slowly starts getting brainwashed.
Later on, MIKE try to play football, but he couldn't make it to 10 counts.
He'd forget about to play, how to balance and how to control.
Football plays through a leg and more it get played through a brain. His brain was full of stories and nightmares.
His year's of practices got vanished.
Mike try it again, hitting it up.
And try it again, and one more time.Mike gets angry and stabbed the football through a knife and threw it away.
Mike sat on the bed. Start thinking...what should I do now?
Mike remembered the moment, when CIRI said, "MIKE, I'm there for you"
Mike straightaway makes a call.
MIKE: Hello...
MIKE: Ciri, I need your help. I'd forget about my-fuck everything, even I'd forget about you and others.
I just need them back. I wanna play, Ciri, I wanna play.
I want to win the tournament anyhow, its meant a lot to me. CIRI, will you help me? Is this tournament over?CIRI: hey?
CIRI: I'll help you out, Mike. There's still a lot of time.
MIKE: Thank god.
CIRI: But where you were this whole time? And how did you remember this all of a sudden?
MIKE: I don't know, Maybe the dreams and nightmares... I've been seen every day. I can't even figure it out, which moment is real and which moment I'm dreaming.
This can be a dream too, is it?CIRI: No! Of course no. This is true, Mike.
MIKE: Shit. What is happening to me, Am I loosing?
CIRI: MIKE, calm down.
MIKE: I can't calm it down. I can't even fucking play. I tried to bounce the football for 20 counts, I couldn't continue after 9th.
I think I've lost it all. Nothing left anymore.CIRI: MIKE! Listen to me.
MIKE: What did I do to me, even I shouted you on call. Last time when we had a conversation.
CIRI: MIKE! Listen, wait. What did you say? Shouted on me? On call?
MIKE: yes, sorry for that. I know it's too late, but still...
CIRI: MIKE. Listen. As per, I know, you'd never picked up my calls. So, when did we have a conversation?
MIKE: What? I did... Ci... shit... I'm loosing...
Mike cut the call.
Mike makes a call to Zack.
MIKE: Hello Zack.
ZACK: Hey buddy. Is everything alright?
MIKE: No Zack. I need your help. I forget how to kick the football. Can you come in the ground? I really wanna won that tournament.
ZACK: But...
MIKE: Remember, I can't do this, without you.
Mike cut the call.
ZACK AND MIKE on the playground.
Zack helped him out, make him bounce the ball for like 50 times.
Mike kicks and Zack used to stop it from getting into goal.
They played for 2 hours.
And after that, they called it off for today.
Mike while drinking water: Thanks for coming, Zack. It was good.
ZACK: no worry, Mike!
MIKE: I'll try my best to get this tournament. Like they say, "You can recover just through by suffering".
No more wasting time now.ZACK: But Mike... The tournament ended, a month ago.
MIKE: What? How can it be? It shouldn't be! Ciri told me that I still have a lot of time.
ZACK: She might be lying.
MIKE: Zack! Why didn't you tell me?
Why didn't you ever call me?ZACK: Me, Ciri and Mivi had tried lotta time, but you never picked up. What else we could do. We thought you were practicing, maybe that's why you're staying so busy, you are focused...
MIKE: Why didn't you tell me, when you saved me from ALEX?
ZACK: What? Saved you from ALEX? When? I don't even remember Alex...who's he?
MIKE: I'd called you one night. You came on the beach to save me. Brought me out from the shitty bag.
ZACK: Mike. You'd never called me and I had never come beach. And not at all in the night.
MIKE: You gotta be kidding me...
ZACK: MIKE. Are you okay?
MIKE: I gotta go...
Zack: Mike! Listen...
Mike walk away from the playground...
Bí ẩn / Giật gânA unique backstory about a web-series addiction. The more he watches, the more he forgets about reality. Also, some strange things starts happening with Mike and in which he forgets about his vision. Do you think he'll get over with this addiction...