Part 22- What's cooking?

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Mike's Dad left from the therapist office.

He was on the way to reach at Doctor.

Doctor: why are you in so hurry?

Dad: This shouldn't has to wait..

Doctor: what?

Dad: Mike started remembering..things

Doctor: what? How could is this possible?

Dad: I'd go to therapist, as per you'd very first meeting he didn't said anything and now I'm coming from therapist, he said Mike said something..

Doctor: what did he said?

Dad: he didn't tell, it's their rule not to share information..

Doctor: right.

Dad: now?

Doctor: if he starts remembering everything then we can find where the trouble is..
I don't see here any problems.

Dad: but what if he didn't tell and same thing been repeating again and again..

Doctor: that will be messed up..

Dad: do something, doctor.

Doctor: ok, look what if we call him over and ask some questions and if he didn't spoke anything major then we'll have no choices but to hypnosis him again.

Dad: alright, I'll bring him. See you in the morning.

Doctor: do come in the evening around 4-5 p.m.

Dad: ok..

Another day

At the Doctor cabin.

Doctor: Hello Mike


Doctor: how are you?

Mike: good

Doctor: Do you start remembering things?

Mike: like what?

Doctor: Say whatever you remembered.
Whatever you told to your therapist.

Mike: I told him about me.

Doctor: and what's that?


Doctor: say?


Doctor: what's going in your head?

Mike: Lately, I've being seen scary dreams and nightmares.

Doctor: What nightmares?

Mike: about people.

Doctor: Ok. How you spent most of your time?


Doctor: say Mike?

Mike slowly: stream..

Doctor: what I didn't hear you?


Doctor: Say louder

Doctor: louder

Mike fell back on his bed and lose subconscious.

Doctor come out of room, he didn't get any major clue..

Mike's Dad: what did he said?

Doctor: trash..dream and nightmares.. nothing important..

Dad: now?

Doctor: hypnosis it is..this time we would erase the memory till the day his been start seeing nightmares maybe it could work to get
him normal back again..

Dad: Hmm..

Few hours later..

Doctor: what do you remember?

Mike: I'd lost in a football match and I'd locked myself in the room. Streaming web series.

Dad: say, "he shouldn't be watching any series..

Doctor: you'd never watched web series.

Mike: I'd never watched web series.

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