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"Long Ago, in ancient China, the Peacocks ruled over Gongmen City. They brought great prosperity and joy to the city, for they have invented fireworks. But their son, Lord Shen, saw darker powers in the fireworks. What had brought color and joy could also bring darkness and destruction."

"Shen's troubled parent's and his bride to be consulted a soothsayer. She foretold that if Shen continued down this dark path, he would be defeated by two Warrior's, one of black and white, and one with four tails. The young lord set out to change his fate, but what he did next... it only sealed his fate."

"Shen returned to his parent's full of pride, but in their face, they only saw horror, for not only did he slaughter an innocent village, but he also murdered his bride. He was banished from the city forever. But Shen swore revenge. Someday, he would return, and all of China would bow to his feet."

It was night time, and in the Jade Palace's bunkhouse, Fei Yue, or Yue was sleeping peacefully in her bed. It had been several weeks since the defeat of Tai Lung, and it seemed everything was going back to normal for the red fox... until she started moving around and brashing violently.

She seemed like she was having a nightmare but it wasn't clear, in her head all she could see was a temple of some sorts with two fox statues outside, inside was decorated very fancy, with candles and a bowl with different foods, on the middle of the wall was a scroll with a painting of a white fox with nine tails, the candles start growing bigger with flashing lights, then the candles go out and the fox statues eyes glow gold and eventually start cracking until they break completely with the gold energy releasing from them to the sky.

The vision continued until she finally stoped. Mere seconds later, her eye's opened, but instead of her usual green eyes, they turned a bright gold, and her Pupils slit.

To be Continued...

*guess who got the first part out my sequel story, I actually had started this week's ago, I just waited for the first part to finish*

The Panda And The Fox 2: Kung Fu Panda 2(Old)Where stories live. Discover now