Victory and New Love

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Once Shen lit the cannon, it seemed like it was over... But...

Tigress: Po! Yue!

Tigress shoves Po and Yue out the way as... KABOOM! A tremendous explosion rips through the boats as the kung fu warriors are blasted away. The blockage covering the harbor gate is completely destroyed. The warriors, along with tons of debris, splash into the harbor. After a few seconds, Po surfaces and grabs onto a piece of driftwood as Yue follows too, as the remains of Shen's armada sail through the gate and line up at the front of the harbor. Breathing hard, Both siblings slowly gaze at the destruction round them. They see Shifu floating on a crate near the ships, looking defeated. The three gaze at each other for a moment. Po sees Ox, Croc and Crane lying exhausted on a large piece of driftwood in another area of the harbor. Then they see Tigress, lying motionless on another piece of driftwood... Po swims over to her and gently takes her limp paw.

Po: Tigress...

Yue is distraught and has no idea what to say, until Crane and the piece of driftwood he was on moves towards her's and Po's.

Crane: Yue... I know this isn't the right time... but... there's something I need to tell you...

Yue: Crane I-

Crane: No I'm not waiting anymore, if we die right now, I might as well do it now!

Viper: *offscreen* NOW YOUR TELLING HER!?


Yue just froze in place as the redness takes over her face, she didn't know what say, before she can answer...

Back with Po, Tigress slowly lifts her head. Po and Tigress gaze at each others for a few seconds... and she lowers it again, breathing heavily. Po looks up and sees Shen's gloating smile from his ship. Po gives him a long, burning glare. He then looks at Tigress once more before gently pushing her away and swimming off towards the center of the harbor.

Yue: *sees Po* Uhh... give me minute... me and Po need to stop the angry peacock over there *swims in Po's direction*

Crane: *awkwardly* Ok...

As Po swims away, Tigress feebly stretches her arm out in his direction. Shen laughs as Po and Yue reachep an upturned boat and slowly climb on. They turn and face the entire fleet. Shen looks on as Po and Yue close their eyes...

Shen: As you wish... *To his soldiers* Let's finish this.

Tigress, Crane and Shifu look on sorrowfully as every single cannon is aimed directly at the siblings.

Meanwhile, with their eyes still shut, Po and Yue begin making tai chi movements... Shifu notices... The wolves hold their torches above the fuses, ready to fire... Po and Yue stop in their position made just before the catching of the water drop, open their eyes, and wait...

Shen: Fire!

One of the cannons is fired. The siblings close their eyes as the cannonball rapidly approaches. In their mind, the cannonball briefly takes the image of a rain drop. The words 'inner peace' echo in their mind as they close their eyes again... the cannonball is seconds from hitting the panda and fox when they suddenly reach out and both catch the cannonball... redirecting it away from them. Shen and Shifu stare in pure astonishment as their eyes track the cannonball's flight into the water surrounding the siblings. An astounded Tigress lifts her head higher as Crane smile wide. Po and Yue grin as they lift their paws... and realizes that there on fire.

Both Siblings: Wah! Waaaaaaah!

Po dances on the spot, waving his paw in a vain attempt to put out the fire. He stops, and stuffs it in his mouth as Yue dips it into a nearby puddle.

The Panda And The Fox 2: Kung Fu Panda 2(Old)Where stories live. Discover now