Sneaking into Gongmen City

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The sampan sails quietly through Gongmen Harbor, stopping underneath a stone bridge. The Five and Yue leap up and begin scaling the wall. Po tries and fails a couple of times before joining them on top of a roof overlooking the city streets. The palace tower can be seen in the distance.

Tigress: That must be Shen's palace, on the other side of the city.

Yue: You know, I would make a joke about the palace, but I'm pretty sure someone else beat me to it.

Po: Alright! We'll march into the palace and proclaim "We are the Dragon Warrior's and the Furious Five, and we are here to bring you to justice!"

He leaps off the roof.

Mantis: Hey!

Yue: Not again.

He grabs Po's foot, stopping the panda short and making him crash back on the roof. Mantis quickly pulls him back out of sight.

Mantis: What are you doing? This place is crawling with wolves.

The warriors peer over the roof.

Indeed, there are wolf soldiers in every street of the city.

Crane: Hey, isn't that the guy who hammered you in the face?

Po spots Boss Wolf smacking a bewildered pig's head as he passes by.

Po: I do not like that guy.

Yue: Me too

Tigress: We need to get to that tower without being spotted by those wolves.

Po: Got it. Stealth mode...

The warriors creep back down from the roof. Later, Po attempts to sneak through the streets, stopping to hide behind two thin pillars. He briefly spots the Five and his fox sister stealthily leaping over the rooftops. Po picks up a large plant and tries to use it as camouflage, but ends up tripping over the other plant pot. Now on the floor, Po slides on his back towards cover... but changes direction when he sees a noodle bowl standing on the very edge of a noodle cart. He tries to reach a dangling noodle strand with his tongue... before Yue appeared next to him.

Yue: Po! Stealth now, Noodles later.

Po: Oh right, sorry-

Wolf: Hey, get outta the way!

The siblings are alerted to the presence of wolves, Yue quickly jumps up to nearby roof while Po rolls out of sight behind a market stall. He sneaks along the line of market stalls until he hits himself on something unseen. He emerges behind a fruit stall, only to encounter a wolf passing by. The wolf stares, the strands hanging from a kite on Po's head, coupled with two watermelons sitting in front of Po's chest, give him the appearance of a woman. Po notices this, pulls out a fan, and begins flirting with the wolf while Yue just stares from a roof trying to hold in her laughter.

Po: *Female voice* Oh, ho, ho, ho, ho, hello, ho, ho, ho, I couldn't help but--

Po then headbutts the wolf, knocking him out cold. He quickly makes his way out the stall.

Po: Yeah, okay... anyway, where was I?

Yue: *from the roof* The plan Po!

Po: Oh right.

Meanwhile, the Five stop on one of the rooftops with Yue joining up with them.

Tigress: Where's Po?

Mantis: How can you lose a guy that big? No offense Yue.

Yue: None taken.

The warriors look down at the market street. It isn't long before they spot a dragon costume with panda legs clumsily making his way down the street. Tigress is embarrassed, the others are completely gobsmacked while Yue just gives a unsuprised look.

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