Bean Buns and New Records

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Inside the training hall, the obstacles training equipment were inactive as the sounds of cheering filled the room.

Furious Five: 33!


Mantis: Yue! Stop him!

Yue: You kidding me?! Once he starts there's no stopping him!

Furious Five: 34!


Mantis: It's too dangerous!

Furious Five: 35!


Tigress: Stay focused!

Furious Five: 36!


Furious Five: 37!

Mantis: How is he doing that with his face?!

Yue: It's Po. I stoped questioning it a long time ago.

Po then puts a 38th bean bun his mouth along with the other 37 inside already, he then slams his hand on table.

Po: *mouth full* Thirty-eight bean buns!

Everyone cheers then Yue walks over to Crane with a smirk.

Yue: I won the bet, lay up.

Crane sighs and hands her 5 coins.

Monkey: You might wanna make another bet Yue, Po keep going, hit Forty *hands Po another bowl of bean buns*

Crane: He'll never hit forty!

Po *takes two bean buns* You got it buddy! I'll put it up to forty.

Yue: Eell if that's the case *turns to crane* 10 for if he gets to fourty!

Crane: Deal!

Tigress: Do it!

Po: No problem!

He puts two bean buns in his mouth and tries to close it, the five and Yue watch in awe.

Po: Yeah... yeah! One moment.

He succeeded and the five cheer with him, crane then looks at Yue who was giving him a "I told you so look". He sighs and hands her the 10 coins.

Crane: Well done Po!

He slaps Po in the back in congratulation but that causes him to spit all the bean buns at everyone, but Yue managed to dodge them, but Monkey and Mantis got hit, while Viper ducks and Tigress blocks two of the bean buns.

Tigress: Your training has paid off.

A gong plays in the distance.

Po: Oh! Master Shifu! Gotta go. Come on Yue!

Yue: Got it, see ya later guys.

Before Po goes, he points to the bean buns.

Po: You'll save those for me right?

Yue: Of course they will Po, come on!

Po runs out of the Palace and Yue follows but before she leaves-

Crane: Uh hey, Yue?

Yue stops.

Yue: Yeah Crane, what's up?

Crane: I... uh... *blushing red* I've been... meaning to ask...

Yue: Ask me what?

Crane hesitates to get the words out of his mouth and is choking on them.

Viper: *offscreen* JUST TELL HER!

Yue was about to speak when Po comes back.

Po: Come on Yue!

Yue: Sorry Crane, talk to you later.

Yue rushes out the Palace leaving Crane choked on his words.

Crane: Okay yah... see ya...

To be Continued....

*sorry I was gone for a while, I haven't been motivated lately, but I'll try to upload at least once a week*

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