"Where did we come from?"

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We cut to Mr. Ping's Noodle Shop now named Dragon Warrior Noodles and Tofu, where business is booming. Mr. Ping is seen saying goodbye to a pig Customer exiting.

Mr. Ping: Thank you, thank you for coming to Dragon Warrior Noodles and Tofu *serves another customer* more lemon sauce? If you need something, just ask! Thank you!

A young bunny and a pig run up with a Po and Yue action figures.

Bunny Kid: Feet of fury!Fury!

Pig kid: Tail whip!

A female bunny looks at a mop hanging on the wall.

Female Bunny: The Dragon Warrior's Mop! He moped these floors with this! *Mr Ping interrupts her before she can touch it*

Mr. Ping: Ah! Ah! Ah! No touching! You'll get the mop dirty!

A sheep customer looks at the other wall and sees a poorly handmade clay statue of a terracotta Warrior.

Sheep Customer: It's the other Dragon Warrior's Terracotta sculpture.

Mr. Ping: I said no touching!

Adult Pig 1: You know he seated me once.

Adult Pig 2: Awesome!

Adult Pig 1: And I have the stain to prove it *turns to Mr. Ping* where are the Dragon Warrior's?

Mr. Ping: Ohhhh, they don't work here anymore! They're busy out there, protecting the valley.

Adult Pig 2: *Gasps* The Dragon Warrior's!

Everyone sees Po and Yue and bow to them.

Mr. Ping: Po! Yue! You two should've told me you were coming! *hugs Po and Yue*

Both siblings: Hi dad.

Mr. Ping: I would've saved you Po stinky tofu and You Yue soup.

Yue: It's fine, I'm good.

Po: *carries the bowls and enters the kitchen* Uhh, dad, Can we talk to you?

Mr. Ping: Of course. *turns to the customers* in honor of my children, free Tofu dessert for everyone! *customers cheer* with purchases *customers frown*

Mr Ping follows them inside and hugs them again.

Mr. Ping: Oh its so good to see you two, Po! Have you lost weight? I could almost put my arms around you!

Po: Ahh, well, maybe a little.

Mr. Ping: and Yue! You look like you've grown a bit, you almost reach the ceiling!

Yue: I don't think so.

Mr. Ping: Oh, poor you, you two must feel weak! Let me get you two some soup *starts chopping vegetables*

Po: Oh, that's okay dad, where not hungry.

Mr. Ping: Not hungry, Po, Yue, are you two alright?

Po: Yeah, Yeah, no, I'm fine. It's just-

Yue: Earlier today we were fighting these bandits.

Mr. Ping: Uh huh.

Po: Nothing to dangerous, they were just...

Mr. Ping: Yeah.

Yue: Me and Po had these crazy visions, I think I saw... this fox who kinda looked like me but she had two tails, and blue eyes.

Po: In my vision, I think I saw my mom... and me and Yue... as baby's...

Yue: What?

Mr. Ping stops his chopping as he registers what Po said.

The Panda And The Fox 2: Kung Fu Panda 2(Old)Where stories live. Discover now