A Message from Gongmen City

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(Guess who isn't dead, I know I said I would be discontinuing the story, but it turns out, there isn't any other story I would like to do, I have some projects in progress but they won't be done for while, I decided to try finish the Panda and Fox, I hope this makes your day)

Cut to the Jade Palace the next morning. Po, Yue(who was rubbing her eyes from last night) and the Five are gathered in the arena, watching Shifu read the contents of a scroll.

Shifu: Are you familiar with the master of Gongmen City?

Po: You mean Master Thundering Rhino?

Shifu: Yes.

Po: Son of the legendary Master Flying Rhino?

Shifu: Yes.

Po: And slayer of the ten-thousand serpents of the Valley of Woe?

Yue: Po, let him finish. *still rubbing her eyes*

Shifu: He's dead.

The siblings and the Five are shocked.

Yue: Wait what?

Po: Whoa *He reads the message with Tigress reading over his shoulder before he hands it to Moneky*

Crane: That's impossible!

Tigress: Rhino's horn defense is impervious to any technique.

Shifu: This was no technique. Lord Shen had created a weapon, one that breathes fire and spits metal. Unless he is stopped, this could be the end... of kung fu.

Po: But we just got kung fu!

Yue: Yah, there's no way we're loosing it after everything we did!

Shifu: And now, you must save it! Go! Destroy this weapon and bring Lord Shen to justice!

The Furious Five instantly set off. The siblings makes to follow.

Po: Yeah! Let's go, let's... *He stops realizing something* Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a second! How can I do this? I mean, how can kung fu stop something that stops kung fu?

Yue: Yeah, he has a point

Shifu: Remember, Dragon Warrior's, Anything is possible... when you have inner peace.

Po smiles and sets off. Down in the village with Yue following behind, the villagers cheer as the siblings and the Five begin their journey.

Po: Inner peace, inner peace, inner peace... peace on!

Yue: I don't think saying "inner peace" over and over again is gonna help us get it-

Mr. Ping: Po! Yue!

The Fox and Panda are caught off guard as they and the Five stop outside Mr. Ping's shop. Mr. Ping runs outside with two large backpacks, which upon being dropped on the ground spills a large amount of contents.

Mr. Ping: I got your travel packs! I packed you food for weeks: cookies, buns, vegetables... and I even packed all your action figures Po! *He pulls out action figures of Mantis and Tigress and holds up the Tigress figure* See?

Po is embarrassed as Monkey laughs and Tigress looks at Po in amusement.

Po: Oh! Uh, hey, I don't know what those are, never seen them before in my life... *As soon as Monkey and Tigress are off-screen, Po grabs the Tigress figure* Dad, you got scratches on my Tigress.

Yue: *snorts* Oh jeez, I hate to be you right now Po.

Mr. Ping: Oh I almost forgot Yue *he pulls out a poorly made doll out of white cloth and sticks* look! It's Mr. Rags!

Yue froze in place as her dad pulled out the doll she made when she was 6.

Mr. Ping: Remember the doll you made as a kid, you would always hide under your sheets when it was Thundering and hold Mr. Rags close to you while saying "Oh please Mr. Rags, keep me safe from the scary-"

Yue: *cuts him off* OKAY DAD! THAT'S ENOUGH PLEASE!

She takes the doll away and awkwardly laughs trying to hide her embarrassment. Meanwhile Monkey and Mantis are laughing behind her.

Monkey: Mr. Rags?! *laughs*

Yue turns to glare at them both as they stop laughing.

Yue: You two say anything about this and I'll make sure you'll be the ones going through a wall!

They stop and nervously agree.

Mr. Ping pulls out some portraits.

Mr. Ping: I also packed your paintings of our best times together, just in case you two get lonely! That's me and Yue making noodles... and almost burning down the restaurant *Yue laughs remembering her first and last attempt to cook* and here's me and Po making noodles...and that's me and you eating noodles... and that's me giving you two a piggy-back ride! *Mr. Ping and Po look at a picture of Mr. Ping squished under a baby Po while baby Yue is holding both of them* Isn't that cute... on second thought, I think I'll hang on to this one.

Po: Hey, uh, they're waiting for us.

Mr. Ping: Of course, of course... You two have a job to do... far from home... in a strange city, filled with strange people, and strange noodles... facing horrible danger from which you might never return! Don't go, Po! Yue!

Po: We gotta go! We're the Dragon Warrior's, it's kinda our job to save kung fu. And if we don't... who are we?

Yue: Okay this is getting too deep.

Mr. Ping: You're my son! And my Daughter!

Po and Yue stare at him, mouths open, and both don't answer Mr. Ping grows nervous.

Mr. Ping: ...Right?

Tigress: Po, Yue, it's time.

Po: Uh... goodbye.

Tigress watches the siblings walk off with the travel pack. She smiles reassuringly at Mr. Ping.

Tigress: Don't worry, Mr. Ping. They'll be back before you can say 'noodles'.

She sets off along with the Five. Mr. Ping sadly watches them as they leave the village.

Mr. Ping: Noodles...

To be Continued...

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