Fight at the Musicians Village

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At the musicians village, a bell rang in emergency by a terrified rabbit as a pig nearly dodges an arrow which sticks to the ground connected to a higher cliff by a rope. Several arrows the rooftop and ground before Boss Wolf (the large one eyed wolf) and his soldiers zip line down to the village.

Boss Wolf: Get all the metal you can find! *Villagers duck and flee as the wolves break into the houses and grab pots, pans, and musical instruments* grab the metal.

Pig: Help, help, help, help, help! *He hides into the bell tower, only for him to get stuck in it and for the bell to roll to the loot pile*

Boss Wolf: That's everything! Let's get out of here!

The wolves tie up the metal into the bundle.

Pig: Oh no!

Then suddenly, Po is heard letting out a battle cry in the distance that is heard by Wolf Boss.

Po: Whoooooooooooooooohooo! *Po, Yue and the Five are running along a Cliffside to the villages aid* wings of justice! *Po dives of the Cliffside towards the village far below*


Po realizes what he did and begins to freak out.

Crane: Don't worry I got him.

Crane manages to catch Po and drop him into another cliff ledge, Po leaps of the smaller cliff and dives towards the village with Yue besides him and the Five on either side, before landing (again with Cranes help) in front of the wolf soldier's.

The Five plus Po and Yue: *lands* Ha!

Po realizes he's facing the wrong way.

Po: Huh? *turns the right way* Ha!

Villagers: Yay! The Dragon Warrior's!

Boss Wolf: A panda? That's impossible. *glances at Yue* Oh this is gold, tell me fox, what trick do you have to pull to get that title?

Yue: How about I tell you what I'm going to do with that last remaining eye of yours.

Po: My fist hungers for justice. *stomachs rumbles causing Yue and the Five to stare at him* that was my fist.

Boss Wolf: Get them!

Both Siblings: C'mon!

Soon a battle erupted, Po and Yue dodge all the bladed attacks the wolves were throwing at them as the villagers cheered for the DragonWarrior's. Monkey claps cymbals around a wolves head. Mantis carries a strumming bunny to safety, then shatters a wolves blades and Viper takes on two wolves. Tigress dispatches three wolves while three archers take aim at Po.

Yue: Po! Incoming! *throws three disks to block the arrows.

Po: Thanks, sis!

Yue was surrounded by four wolves who where ready to ambush her, she smirked at them and quickly dodged all their attacks and was barely getting hit by them, eventually she cartwheel away from the wolves who ended up attacking themselves.

Yue: Heh, that was easy.

Meanwhile with Po.

Po: Tigress, double death strike! *Tigress leaps towards Po just as he was being outnumbered by the wolves and swings him in a circle, then launches him at a group of airborne wolves.

Po: Ruaaaagh! Feet of Fury! *He rapidly kicks all the wolves out of the air and lands. He begins fighting the wolves with Yue and the Five in tandem* Yue! Tigress! Viper! Crane! Monkey! Mantis! Bunny! *Holds out a bunny strumming*

Yue: Uh Po, he's not apart the team.

Po: Oops, my bad *Punches the wolf into Wolf boss*

Boss Wolf howls and metal loot is pulled up the opposite cliff, the trapped pig from earlier as he is hauled upwards.

Yue: Crane, Go!

Crane: I'm on it! *flies up and slices up the ropes holding the trapped pig. The pig screams as the bundle tumbles towards the abyss next to the cliff*

Po: Hooh!

He charges fowards off the cliff, followed closely by Yue who was followed by Viper. He leaps off and grabs the metal with the Pig inside. Yue grabs his ankle while Viper grabs her ankle, then Monkey grabbed her tail then Tigress grabs his tail and pulls all of them back up on land.

Po: Is everyone okay?

Yue: Nobody's hurt right?

The villagers cheered while both siblings smile, until Boss Wolf stands up and charges towards the siblings.

Po: Ready sis?

Yue: You bet I am.

Boss Wolf charges at them with his hammer... and they both see the symbol on Boss Wolf's shoulder. Seeing that causes Yue to freeze and a surge of pain hit her head, she held her head as flashbacks came rushing through her head.

She sees images of a red fox who looks almost like her except the red fox had blue eyes and had two tails and was wearing a red Robe. The images then flashed in white then fire appeared, Yue didn't know what was going as she held her head in pain, Tigress and Crane noticed something was wrong.

Both: Po! Yue!

Too late, Boss Wolf hits Po across the face causing him to be launched in mid air along his sister as they both land on the bunnies.

Boss Wolf: Chew on that, tubby!

Boss Wolf escapes in the metal pile while the Five help the siblings up.

Viper: Are you two okay.

Tigress: What happened?

Yue: I don't know, one minute my head was hurting a lot, then I saw... it's hard to explain.

Po: I think I saw... I think... I gotta go, c'mon Yue *grabs Yue's hand*

Yue: Oh okay.

Both siblings run out leaves the Furious Five confused.

To be Continued...

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