The Qínglǚ Promise

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As soon as the team left, they traveled through the lands to Gongmen City, from a mountain range, to the snowy mountains, and to a scorching desert.

Late at night, a sampan boat sails down a wide river. Inside, Po, Yue, and the Five are all sleeping after days of traveling, Po was restless from his dream as Yue was now having one of her sleep walking episodes. She got up and began walking towards the front of the boat and stays there for quite a bit.

Soon enough, Po wakes with a start. Troubled, he quietly gets up and exits the cabin, not noticing Tigress's eyes opening as he leaves. On the deck, Po mumbles furiously to himself, he doesn't notice Yue is there until...

Yue: *sleep singing* Let your love live forever, endless love, always and forever, in this heart of mine...

Po looks up and sees his sister at the front of the boat...Singing? But Yue can't sing, Po knows that too well.

Po: Uh... Yue?

Yue: *sleep singing* Longer then the heavens, and the stars that shine.

Po then carefully walked up to Yue and lightly taps her shoulder, but then he was met with a backhand to the face from the red fox he stumbles backwards before falling on the boats floor. This was enough to wake Yue up.

Yue: *awake* Huh! What! Where am I?

Po: Ow...

Yue: *looks down and sees Po* Po! What happened to you?!

Po: Your fist happened... *rubs his nose* Ow...

Yue: ... Oh... I was having another episode was I?

Po: Well... okay yes you were.

Yue sighs, she picks her brother up from the floor and she looks upset.

Yue: I'm sorry bro, I'm sorry that... *tears up* I'm sorry about what has been happening the past few days, I don't know what's going on with me! I'm scared I might actually hurt you or the others and I won't even know it! I-

Po quickly puts his hand over her mouth, quieting her from talking further.

Po: Yue... it's not your fault. I don't know why this started happening but all I know is that it isn't your fault, and trust me, once we arrive at Gongmen City and kick Lord Shen's butt, we'll figure out why you started sleep walking and put end to it.

Yue stops, no longer crying, she smiles under her Panda Brother's paw as he quickly removed it.

Yue: Wow, thanks Po, I really needed it.

Po: No problem, your my sister after all, even if we don't share the same blood, or are the same species.

Yue smiles but then a certain someone interrupts this heartwarming moment.

Tigress: Ahem.

Both siblings look over to see Tigress standing on top of the cabin, her paw on the mast. Po is embarrassed.

Tigress: Am I interrupting something?

Po: Oh, er... We were, er... training.

Tigress: By talking?

Po: uh...

Tigress: And Yue. Where you singing just now?

Yue: What are you talking about?  I can't sing. At all.

Po: Actually you were, just... sleep singing that is.

Yue: I'm sleep singing now?!

Tigress: That wasn't just sleep singing, you were singing the Qínglǚ Promise.

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