The Legend of the Albino Peacock and the Huli Jing in disguise

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Yue can't remember what happened. The last thing she remembers was Po being hit by a fireball and then... nothing. Nothing at all.

She felt pain all over, it felt like she had been burned, her fur singed and clothes were burned from the sleeves to her shirts bottom. Eventually Yue had come to, she was awaken by water droplets dropping on her forehead, she was in the remains of a burned down house, bandaged and with acupuncture needles, normally she would be terrified by the sight of needles, but her mind just didn't bother caring at the moment. Eventually everything came and hit her like a brick.

Yue: PO!

She quickly got up and winced at the pain she was feeling, she turned to left and saw Po next to her passed out, he to was covered in bandages and acupuncture needles, she was filled with joy to see her brother alive, she would get up and hug him but she was still in so much pain that just getting up was too much.

Yue: Oh Po... I'm so happy your ok.

Yue turned to the front and saw Soothsayer standing in front of a pot over a fire, it looked like she was cooking something. Yue tried to get away but the pain was too much and she winced, Soothsayer turned to see her, Yue freezes in place.

Soothsayer: No need to be scared my dear, I'm just making something to help you and your brother.

Yue: *hesitant* Uh... okay...

They hear a creaking noise to and turn to see Po, woken up and attempting to sneak away, before he could react, Yue stood up and ran over to Po and hugged him, ignoring the pain she was feeling.

Yue: Oh Po *tears up* I'm so glad your okay! I thought Shen killed you! I was so scared I was about to loose you! And i-

Po: Okay! Okay! Calm down sis *pats her back* It's okay, I'm here... I'm here.

This heartwarming moment is interrupted by Soothsayer appearing next to them, startling them. Soothsayer is holding a bowl filled with an unknown liquid.

Po: Yeah... like your going to get me drink daw!

Soothsayer sticks a needle in his forehead, making his eyes bulge out and mouth pop wide open, she tosses the medicine in his mouth and takes the needle out, making him swallow.

Yue: Po! Are you okay?

He doesn't answer as he gags.

Soothsayer: If I wanted you two dead, I would've left you two at the river.

Po: Why save us? *He begins removing his and Yue's needles*

Soothsayer: So you two can fulfill your destiny's.

Yue: What are you talking about? Where are we?

The siblings look around and notice they are among the remains of a burned down village.

Po: What is this place?

Soothsayer: I'm surprised you two remember so little... then again you two were very young when it happened. *She walks over to Yue and hands her a bowl of purple liquid.

Yue: What's that?

Soothsayer: It will help you... Help you remember the story of two lovers that caused each other's downfall.

Po: That doesn't look appetizing.

Yue was hesitant, but eventually agreed to drink the purple liquid. She gulped down the entire liquid at once... nothing happened.

Yue: Uh.. Nothings happening-

Before she could finish, her eyes glowed white, and everything became clear.

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