A Sleepless Night.

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After the story Mr. Ping told the siblings, it still left Po unsatisfied, he had so many questions that the goose couldn't answer.

Meanwhile Yue was still questioning that mysterious vision she had, about the fox with two tails engulfed in flame, she felt that it was important but couldn't put her paw on it. Was there something that she was missing?

Later on, she and Po went back to the Jade Palace as it was getting late, as night dawned everyone in the Jade Palace was fast asleep. Except Yue who was right now having a hard time falling asleep, and she kept moving around her bed like a maniac.

Yue: Ok seriously! When did I have such trouble falling asleep!?

She placed her pillow on her face hoping it would help her... but it didn't... at all. She let out a Frustrated sigh as she rolled off the bed and landed face first.

Yue: *Muffled* God kill me.

Soon later, after an almost impossiblely long time, Yue managed to fall asleep, but instead of a nice dream she would normally have, this one wasn't so nice.

Dream world.

Yue found herself in an unknown forest, the trees were so high the sky was almost blocked from them, the grass was almost knee high and the sound of roaring water can be heard.

Yue: Huh? Where am I?

Soon enough she heard the sound of a baby crying caught her attention, she turned her attention to the left and she began running towards the sound.

Yue: *in her head* What's going on? Why am i attracted to that crying? And why does this feel so familiar?

Yue eventually reached the river and what she saw surprised her. She saw a red fox wearing red hanfu holding a bundle, and inside the bundle was a small red fox kit crying it's eyes out.

Unknown Fox: It's gotten too dangerous for both of us, I feared he would go down this path when he started experimenting with the gunpowder, I just didn't expect it to be this way.

Yue got closer to the fox and then she noticed the fox had two tails... just like the one in her vision.

Unknown Fox: As much as I hate to do this, it's for your own safety, your father has already left me, and I can't loose you too, your brothers and sister are in a safe place, now it's just you left... *with that, the fox put the baby in a basket... then let her go to the river, the water was moving fast as it carried the basket with the baby in it.

Yue was shocked to say, this moment felt so familiar but couldn't figure it out, was the baby her, was that fox with two tails her real mother? There were so many questions rushing through her head she didn't notice the red fox looking at her direction.

Unknown Fox: You shouldn't be here...

Yue: Ehat?

Unknown Fox: You've become a monster, you're even willing to slay innocent pandas just to prevent your downfall!

Yue: What are you talking about? I don't even know you! And I wouldn't slaughter innocent pandas, my own brother is one!

Unknown Fox: I'm sorry, but I must do what has be done... *before Yue knew it, the fox grabbed from her back two iron fans and then lunged to attack her.

Yue: Whoa!

Yue managed to dodge her nearly, the sharp fan blades nearly cut the fur on her left cheek. Eventually the two began fighting, with Yue managing to dodge the foxes attacks but still manages to land a few good hits on Yue. While this was happening...

Back in Reality.

Po just wanted a quick midnight snack, but instead he saw his sister having another sleep walking episode's. He sees her punching and kicking a lone dummy very sloppy as she mutters in her sleep.

Yue: *sleep talking* Stop... I don't want to hurt you... watch the tail...

Po: Oh boy, not again.

Eventually the Furious Five woke from the commotion that the red fox was making.

Tigress: *annoyed* Another episode?

Po: Yep.

Mantis: But hey, at least she isn't throwing bowls at us.

Just as he said that...

Dream world

During Yue's fight with the fox, the unknown Fox started throwing the fans blades at her. Yue managed to dodge them and catch them and almost cut her paws, she threw the blades back, which unfortunately caused an unfortunate side effect.

Back in Reality

Meanwhile with the sleep walking Yue, she started getting agitated and walked to cabinet, grabbed a bunch of the bowls and faced the Five and Po

Crane: *looks at Mantis* You just had to open your mouth.

Yue then started throwing the bowls at the Furious Five and Po, they dodge all of them and try to get her to stop.

Po: Yue stop!

But since she was fast asleep, she couldn't hear him, she began attacking Po and he tries his best to fend her off, however since Yue was much faster and flexible, he started loosing his grip. Eventually Tigress saves Po by punching Yue in the gut so hard she broke through the wall and into outside.

Tigress: I may have over done it...

Dream World

Back with Yue, the punch Tigress did to her corresponded with the unknown Fox kicking her in the gut that send her flying into the woods, she eventually tries to get up, but then a sudden shock of pain hits her in the head, she grabs her head and all of a sudden images of the unknown fox are seen in her head, all the pain causes her to eventually wake from the dream.

Back to reality

Yue eventually woke, and for some reason she was outside the bunkhouse.

Yue: Uh... how did I get here?

She eventually gets up and she grabs at her gut in pain and she tries to walk back, when she gets back, she sees a hole through the wall and the rest of the gang outside.

Yue: Hey guys, why did I wake up outside? And why is there a hole in the wall? *winces in pain and grabs her stomach* and why am I in so much pain?

Po: Well... uh...

Tigress: You were sleep walking again.

Po: Yah, what she said.

Yue: Oh... and I'm guessing the hole in the wall was because Tigress punched me in the gut so hard I broke through it?

Po: I mean, you said it, not me.

Yue just sighed and she walked back inside without saying anything, the others tried to plea with her but their words didn't go through, she just wasn't in the mood to talk.

To be Continued...

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