Operation save the Furious Five

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Yue eyes went back to normal, she was in complete shock, seeing those memories left her speechless. She and Po simultaneously dropped the raindrop into a small plant in the grass, both were now sitting down, completely gutted. Soothsayer approaches them as they both held back the tears.

Soothsayer: Your stories may not have had a happy beginning... but that doesn't make you two who you are. It is the rest of your story, who you choose to be.

Yue just stood there, all kinds of memories came flooding in her head. The day she and Po arrived at Mr. Ping's Noodle Shop and how he adopted them, to her as a kid saving Po from bullies, to him sleeping in her room, the day they were chosen as the Dragon Warrior's, them training with the Furious Five, meeting the fox Goddess Húxiān, defeating Tai Lung, and finally, her and Crane going on that date.

Soothsayer: So... who are you panda? Fox?

Po and Yue get up, their eyes narrowed, as determination filled them.

Both Siblings: We are Po and Yue...

Po: And I'm gonna need a hat.

Yue: *looks at him confused* What?

Po was about to finish until he notices something.

Po: Uh hey Yue, is there fur missing from your tail?

Yue: Huh? *looks at her tail as she picks it up* Yah your right, there's some fur missing?

Soothsayer: *realizes something* Fur missing?! Oh no! Shen is really thinking about it then!

Po: Shen is what?

Soothsayer: There's something you two need to know. When Shen was still in exile, he came across a temple that contained a scroll, that scroll contained a spell, a spell that has the power to bring someone back from the dead.

Both Siblings: What?!

Soothsayer: Yes, I discovered the scroll in his quarters not to long ago, it said it's in need of five ingredients *draws five images on a lone rock with an ink brush* a moonlight lotus, a flower that only grows on the highest mountains where it can reach the moon, a piece of Jade to represent the heavens, a butterflies wing to represent rebirth, a memento to represent the fallen one desired to be resurrected, and...

Yue: What's wrong? What's the last ingredient?

Soothsayer: *hesitates for a moment then sighs* a piece of the fallen ones closest relative, it can be anything, blood, tears, saliva, or... Fur.

Then the Realization hits the fox.

Yue: Are you telling me that Shen took some of my fur... to resurrect my dead MOTHER!?

Po: Is that actually possible?

Soothsayer: But here's the problem, my research revealed that the spell can't really resurrect someone back from the dead permanently, it can only bring them back for a short amount time. I tried telling Shen, but he didn't listen to me, he was too determined to bring back his lover to listen to anyone.

Po: Well what are we supposed to do about that?

Soothsayer: For now you need to stop Shen and his army, Go Now!

Both Siblings: On it!

Back at Gongmen City

The Furious Five are wrapped in chains together while unconscious, the bright lights wake them all up as Tigress blinks and then glares at none other then Shen, who he and alongside Boss Wolf whose holding a torch, it's revealed that all of them are on a boat.

Shen: Such sad, sad faces. But now is a time only for joy. *He approaches the Five and leans in closely to Tigress' ear* You are going to be part of something beautiful. *Tigress snarls at the wicked peacock. Shen leans back and gazes at Tigress- she snarls menacingly* Once we reach the harbor, in front of all the world, you and your precious kung fu will die. *He turns away from them* Then China will know to bow before me. Set sail!

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