Chapter 1

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The Teiko Middle School basketball club. An incredibly strong team with over three consecutive championship wins. Amongst their brilliant record, the generation of five prodigies was known as the "Generation of Miracles." However, there was a strange rumor concerning the Generation of Miracles. Despite being relatively unknown and lacking a game record, there was one more member recognized by the five prodigies. A phantom sixth man.


(Y/n) POV)

As I walked into Seirin Private High School the crowd was already overwhelming. People were shouting at everyone to join their club. I wasn't entirely interested in any of the clubs yet. Nothing was what I was looking for.

???: "Basketball! Basketball club! How'd you like to join the basketball club?"

???2: "Koganei, you can't be serious." I began walking towards them

Koganei: "How else am I supposed to say it?"

???2: "New kids, join the basketball club! The basketball club needs some serious help!"

Koganei: "I've had enough of your jokes, Izuki. Mitobe, make sure they hear you!" He doesn't speak just nods with a smile. "You're not gonna do it, are you? Hey, do you have a minute?" He began talking to someone walking by as I walked over to this Izuki person.

"Um... excuse me. I overheard you all earlier. You're the basketball club right?" He nods.

Izuki: "Yeah! Interested in joining."

"Yes." He smiles as I walk off. He pointed me over to a table where a short haired girl and a guy with glasses sat. As I walked, I overheard their conversation slightly.

Girl: "We're a new school. If we win the Inter-High and Winter Cup, we'll be a big deal starting next year."

Glasses: "Are you casually putting pressure on your captain?"

Girl: "Hyuga-kun, have you always been so delicate?" The known named Hyuga sulks.

Hyuga: "I'll do my best. I will do my best."

Girl: "I wonder how the recruitment is going? If they could just bring in some promising ones, that would be..."

"Well if you'd ask me... not very well." The two look up at me as I stand in front of the table. There was also a tall redhead next to me who I just now noticed. Well tall compared to the others. He was barely taller than me.

Koganei: "The new students are here."

Girl: "Huh?"

Red: "Is this the basketball club?"

Girl: "Yeah."

Red: "I want to join. The basketball club."

"Same here."

Girl: "Um, welcome, welcome! Wait a minute! I'm sure you know, but our school just formed last year. We only have second years to compete with, so I'm sure someone of your builds would be..." They had handed the two of us a water, but the nice girl was cut off by Big Red.

Red: "I don't care. I'm going after I leave my name." Big Red writes his name down.

Girl: "Huh? You don't have a reason for joining?" I read the name on the paper, Kagami Taiga.

Kagami: "Not really. Basketball's the same, no matter where you go in Japan." I ignored his "trick shot" with the empty cup as I filled out my own sheet.

Koganei: "He's terrifying! Is he really a first year high school student?"

Izuki: "He's a one in a million." I began to walk off after filling out the paper as Koganei get mad with Izuki. I barely spotted a boy with light blue hair.

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