Chapter 27

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(Y/n) POV)

Atsu-nii brought his hand towards Kuro-chin's head, and I saw the other first-years getting nervous. But, Atsu just patted Kuro-chin's head, and squatted down to his level.

Atsu-nii: "I'm just kidding." He began ruffling Kuro-chin's hair, and I chuckled seeing his annoyed face.

Kuro-chin: "Please don't do that." He slapped his hand off of him.

Atsu-nii: "Oh, are you mad? I'm sorry."

Himuro: "I thought you weren't coming."

Atsu-nii: "Actually, it's your fault for changing our meeting place at the last second. I only came because you said you wanted to go sightseeing around Tokyo since you came back to Japan." He opened a bag of chips. "But you're playing street ball." He then took his chip... and ATE it.

Himuro: "Sorry, sorry. They said they were down a player, and it sounded like fun."

Furihata: "Hey... Yosen played in the Inter-High, didn't they?"

RFY3: "What? You mean he played in the Inter-High, too?"

Atsu-nii: "No, I didn't play."

Furihata: "What?! Why not?"

Atsu-nii: "I don't know. I mean, the only reason I didn't play is because Aka-chin told me not to." I scowled at his reasoning.

Furihata: "Who's Aka-chin?"

"Akashi Seijuro, former captain of the Generation of Miracles. He went to Rakuzan, and is now the captain there."

Atsu-nii: "Oh, I forgot. Muro-chin, we can't play in unofficial games. That's why I came here to stop you."

Himuro: "I see. That's a shame."

Atsu-nii: "Let's go." Kaga-chin then grabs Atsu's shoulder as he leads Himuro off.

Kaga-chin: "Hey, wait. You can't just barge in here and leave like that. Stay a while and play."

Furihata/RFY3: "Kagami?!"

Atsu-nii: "What's going on with your eyebrows? Why are they split in two?" He reaches his hand out, and rips out part of his eyebrow.

Kaga-chin: "Ow! What are you doing?!"

Atsu-nii: "They're so long."

Kaga-chin: "Are you listening to me?!"

Atsu-nii: "Huh? Say what?"

Kaga-chin: "I told you to play!"

Atsu-nii: "No, it's so tiring."

"Atsushi, Kagami, enough." The two looked at me. "Quit acting like children. You can't just come here and interrupt the game without at least offering to play."

Atsu-nii: "Oh, shut up. Muro-chin, let's go." As he turns, and begins to walk away I step up behind him and kick his legs out from under him.

"The fuck did you say to me?" He groans from his spot on the floor.

Atsu-nii: "Why'd you have to take mom's scary side?" He stood and began walking away again.

Kaga-chin: "I'm so disappointed. I didn't know you were such a coward. It's so lame that you're running away." I looked over my shoulder at Kaga-chin.

'The sad part is... I know this will work.'

Furihata: "Huh? Kagami, are you trying to provoke him?"

RFY3: "It's so low level..."

Atsu-nii: "What? I'm not running away."

Furihata/RFY3: "He got him?!"

Kaga-chin: "Hey, don't push yourself too hard. You were scared."

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