Chapter 6

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(Y/n) POV)

I was half asleep in class when I saw Kagami attempt to dunk our teacher's head.

Kaga-chin: "Huh?"

Teach: "Don't "huh" me. How dare you sleep so shamelessly in my class? Come to the faculty office later."

Kaga-chin: "What?!" Kaga-chin sighs before looking over his shoulder at the sleeping Kuro-chin.

'Lucky bastard with his invisibility bullshit.'


Kaga-chin: "What do you want?"

Coach: "Go buy some bread."

RFY3: "Bread?"

Coach: "On the 27th of every month, the Seirin High cafeteria sells a limited quantity of very special bread."


Coach: "Supposedly, eating this fantastic bread will bring you great success in love, clubs, or anything else." I could feel my mouth beginning to water. "The triple delicacy Iberian pork cutlet sandwich with caviar, foie gras, and truffles! It's 2800 yen!" I feel my eyes begin to sparkle as I stare at coach expected her to name off more foods.

RFY: "It's so expensive. And there's so much on there, it must be trash." I turn and glare at the RFY causing him to jump.

Hyuga: "We beat Kaijou, and practice is coming along well. We're asking you to get this fantastic bread so you can continue building momentum." 

Coach: "But we're not the only ones with our eyes on it. It always gets a little busier than usual."

Kaga-chin: "We just have to go buy some bread, right?" I already began walking off happily to the cafeteria. "That's easy as pie... ma'am."

Hyuga: "Here. The second years will pay for this." I was already turning the corner to the cafeteria. As I entered said cafeteria it was a bloodbath. I pushed through the crow, stealthily picking the students pockets, until I reached the front of the line.

"Ten Iberian pork cutlet sandwiches, please!" The lady behind the counter smiled and handed me the ten and a bag. I quickly placed them in the bag and walked out of the cafeteria with a happy smile on my face.


We were now on the roof where RFY2 handed a bag of bread out to the second years.

RFY2: "We bought them."

Coach: "Good work. Thanks. Here, there's juice." I smiled to myself as I sat a little distance away from the others. Coach forced me not to eat until the others got here.

RFY2: "Is... Is this..."

Izuki: "It's fine. You guys eat it."

RFY3: "Huh? Are you sure?"

Hyuga: "Of course. Don't hold back."

RFY2: "I guess we'll take turns. Who's first." I appeared next to him with my bag in one hand and an unwrapped sandwich in the other.

"Me." I bite into the sandwich and I swear I've never been happier... except for the steak... I still need to go back there.

RFY2: "I've never seen Kuroko so happy before!" I glanced at him seeing he took a bite out of one too. All the first years take a bite, we all enjoyed our sandwiches. I did offer some of mine to the second years and coach but they declined. I then shrugged my shoulders and ate all ten by myself.


RFY2: "Captain, I copied the preliminary tournament bracket!" We all looked at the paper with the bracket on it as Hyuga-senpai spoke.

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