Chapter 5

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(Y/n) POV)

I smiled as I watched the ball bounce on the ground soon after Kagami landed. It was silent for a second.

Kagami: "Alright!"

Hyuga: "I can't believe we won." Himself, Izuki and Mitobe all gave us thumbs up. Kuro-chin was breathing heavily and so was I. I untied my ponytail and let my sweaty hair fall over my face. I barely saw Kisecchi crying out of the corner of my eye. The people who don't even get to play were making fun of him for crying about a practice game. They won't understand how he feels.

Kasamatsu: "You idiot! Stop crying. And you've got some balls to say you've never lost before. I'll hit you! You'd better add the word "revenge" to that empty dictionary of yours!"

Ref: "Line up!" We did so. "With a score of 100 to 98, Seirin High wins." We all bowed.

All: "Thank you very much." I stumbled but was able to catch myself.


Kasamatsu: "Because we're in different districts, if we play again, it'll be at Inter-High." The two captains shook hands as K. Coach looked pissed as hell while Coach looked happy as hell.

Hyuga: "We'll be there. I don't want to confess my love butt naked. Let's go!"

Seirin: "Yes, sir!"

RKP(Random Kaijou Player): "Hey, where's Kise?" I sighed and walked off with the rest of the team. Until someone grabbed my shoulder. I looked back seeing a girl around 5'4 with brown hair that went down to her waist was the one who grabbed me. Her caramel eyes staring into mine.

"Hello." She smiled before quickly speaking to the point I'm not sure if she was actually talking or mumbling. "Ummm... slower, please?"

???: "Oh, right! I'm Kasamatsu Yukia! You were so cool out there!"

'So loud.' I glance over at Kasamatsu-senpai confused to see him face palming. "Um... I'm Murasakibara (Y/n). And... thanks I guess?" She giggles as she turns me around and grabs my hands in hers.

Kasamatsu(F): "You countered Kise-kun and Nii-san easily!" I chuckled nervously as she still held my hands. "You were all like. "Kisecchi won't score anymore!" and then you stole the ball from him and did that insane dunk! OH, you were so cool!" I felt myself getting more and more nervous as she continued.

'How does Kisecchi deal with this?!' I gulped as she continued rambling.

Kasamatsu(M): "Yukia! You're overwhelming him." She stops for a second before her face goes red.

Kasamatsu(F): "Oh, uh... Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry." She began apologizing over and over, and out of nervousness, I did the first thing that came to mind and gently patted her head. She seemed to calm down before pulling out a pen. She pulled my left arm up and rolled up my jackets sleeve before writing numbers down on my arm. She then backed off from me. "Call me, cutie~!" I think I just broke cause I froze up and couldn't move as she skipped away from me. My arm was still stiff as it was held out. Short incoherent noises came from me as both teams watched the scene unfold. I then felt someone grab the back of my collar and began dragging me behind them. I finally got something out that was actually coherent.

"W-What just happened?" Both teams laughed as I was dragged away.


Coach: "Everything's okay." We all let out a breath of relief.

Hyuga: "That's great."

Kuro-chin: "Sorry for making you worry."

Izuki: "I didn't know what would happen when you fell over."

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