Chapter 19

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(3rd POV)

Seirin walked off the court upset by their loss to Touou. Kagami was pissed, and the crowd was experiencing mixed emotions.

(Touou locker room)

Wakamatsu: "We destroyed our opponents in our first game of the championship league!" Well one person was overly excited about the win.

Imayoshi: "We know. You don't have to yell."

RBP(Random Bench Player): "I thought they'd be stonger, considering they beat Shutoku. Especially No. 11. and No. 9. Kuroko and Mursakibara, right? Kuroko was absolute shit at the end, and Murasakibara pushed himself to passing out even though he had no chance. They should've just given up sooner!" He was then slammed into the locker by Aomine.

Aomine: "You sure talk a lot for someone who didn't play. It's annoying, so shut up."

Wakamatsu: "Aomine! What are you doing? Let him go!" Aomine the tossed the brat to the ground and left.

RBP: "What's his problem?"

(Seirin locker room)

Kaga-chin: "Damn it." He had punched a locker. The team was down, and rightfully so.

Coach: "We still have two more games against Meisei and Senshinkan! We don't have time to be sad!" The team packed up and began to leave, but two people took a bit longer than the rest.

Kaga-chin: "Hey. This might be our limit. I thought we could go further. But look at us. In the face of overwhelming power, I don't think we can win just by working together." He then walked out.

(Y/n) POV)

I looked at the metal door in front of me with curiosity. I held my hand out and touched the door. It didn't budge at all. I then took a step back and kicked the door open as it flew off the hinges...

My eyes fluttered open as I looked at the white roof above me. I then realized there were other people in the room with me. A nurse, my teammates, coach, Kisecchi, and Kasamatsu-san.

"Did... Did we win?" Kisecchi was giving me a weird look for a moment before his and everyone else's expression turned sour. "Damnit." Coach was talking with the nurse so she was the only one who didn't look sad. 'All of that effort just to lose. Damnit!'

(3rd POV)

Riko(narrating): "In the remaining two games, Kagami-kun and Murasakibara-kun didn't play, well Murasakibara-kun didn't even show up, and Kuroko-kun experienced a sudden slump. Not even a shadow of the passes that had saved our team so many times before could be seen." Meisei vs Seirin, 79-78 Meisei victory. "Even if they give everything they have. Not every challenger can become a winner." Senshinkan vs. Seirin, 96-78 Senshinkan victory. "We lost. Seirin High School's attempt at the Inter-High ended. However, all was not lost. When one thing ends, another begins. In other words... We were on to a new challenge."


(Y/n) POV)

'I hate this... I put in so much work to get where I am, but I still lose. Everyday I give everything I have and more... I don't want to do this anymore... There's no point if I'm just gonna lose...' I sat under a bridge downtown. I didn't bother showing up to our games. I knew we would lose. Kaga-chin and I were out. On top of that, we weren't ready for a devastating loss like that. 'I did everything I could... and yet... it was useless! I am useless! I bring nothing new to the table... I have no special traits... I'm just an all around player...' I felt tears begin pricking out the corner of my eyes. 'I hate this so much... Why do I even play?' I let the tears fall. After all, no one was around to see them. "God I'm pathetic." I muttered as I stood up. I pulled out my phone, and checked the time. "I'm late... Fuck..."

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