Chapter 20

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(Y/n) POV)

Kaga-chin didn't back down from Kiyo-chin's challenge, and now Kiyo-chin dribbled the ball in front of Kaga-chin. He swapped to his left hand before crossing over to his right, and began his drive towards the basket. He was faster than Kaga-chin, but as he went for the layup, Kaga-chin jumped and blocked his shot.

RFY3: "Amazing!"

Furihata: "Neither one is budging."

RFY2: "They're evenly matched?"

Hyuga: "Kiyoshi really is amazing. He hasn't played in a while, but he's doing this well against Kagami."

Izuki: "But Kagami's the one pressuring him." I wasn't really paying much attention to the game as I was still being forced to run. That was until I heard the words come out of Kiyo-chin's mouth.

Kiyo-chin: "You got me. I lost. Just like I promised, you can start."

Kaga-chin: "Okay." He then began to leave. "I'm going. Good work." I jogged over to Coach and tapped her shoulder.

"I'm... finished..." 

Coach: "Good... You don't have to run anymore... You can start practicing again." I weakly raised my fist in the air.

Izuki: "What are you thinking, Kiyoshi?"

Kiyo-chin: "He really is strong." Coach then hit him over the head with a fan.

Coach: "And what are we going to do without you?"

Kiyo-chin: "I can't help it. Saying I haven't been playing isn't much of an excuse. This is the best I can do."

Hyuga: "That's not the best you can do. You're acting too stupid. Look at your feet!" He was wearing indoor shoes. "Those are indoor shoes, you moron!" Coach drops her fan. "Sheesh... Don't tell me you lost on purpose."

Kiyo-chin: "Oh, crap!"

Hyuga: "It wasn't on purpose?"

"God damnit, Kiyo-chin."


I laid on my bed as I tossed a rubber ball up into the air.

'I hope Coach made me do all that running so I wouldn't pass out again, and not as just a punishment.' I tossed the ball over into a basket full of random balls. Ranging from soccer balls to ping pong balls it was filled with them. 'I shouldn't worry about that. For now, I need to think of something that would help the team.'


Rando1: "I don't care if you're one of Tokyo's top four teams."

Rando2: "You guys must think we're a joke."

RFY3: "Hey, Furihata... Us first-years want to play in games. We even got our uniforms."

Furihata: "Yeah."

RFY2: "But isn't this a little too sudden?"

Rando3: "I can't believe all your starters are first-years! I'm seriously pissed. Let's destroy them and send them home."

Randoteam: "Yeah!" The first-years got scared.

Izuki: "Coach, what are you thinking?"

Coach: "He insisted on watching the first-years play."

"I'm a first-year too..." I mumbled to myself as I sulked. 'I think she's still mad at me.' 

Hyuga: "Kiyoshi, what is this?" Kiyo-chin hums.

Koganei: "I know what Kiyoshi is thinking! We're probably going to lose this game aren't we? Recently, Kagami's been playing selfishly. But they can't win that way. That's why you're making them lose on purpose, so he can realize he can't just win on his own, right?"

Kiyo-chin: "I see."

Koganei: "Huh?"

Kiyo-chin: "That's amazing, Koga."

"So you're telling me you had no reason behind this?"

Kiyo-chin: "You're not wrong, but... Do you think he's so stupid he wouldn't notice if we didn't tell him? He didn't seem uncertain or worried to me.  If there's anyone I want to notice something, it's him." Just as he finishes speaking, Kaga-chin spins past one defender before dunking on another two. It was currently 28-30 in the fourth quarter and we were losing. On our next offensive drive, Furihata passed to Kuro-chin who then passed to RFY3 who made the layup quickly after. I was watching Kuro-chin's eyes. He was constantly looking towards Kaga-chin only to find him not open or not trying to get open. We did end up winning the game by two points.


I sat on a bench at a basketball court near my apartment. I closed my eyes as I thought about today's game. I opened my eyes, and saw all the players on the outside court. Plays were shown to me, where someone messed up was shown to me, where improvement is needed showed up. It almost felt like one of those holographic simulations you see in movies. I sat there and watched for around an hour before I stood, and grabbed my ball from next to my feet. I moved onto the court, and Furihata disappeared. I stood at the top of the key, and dribbled the ball. I watched everyone move around, and try and break free from their defender.

'Kaga-chin should've set a screen here leaving him open for the pass or alley oop. RFY2 is too stiff in his movements, and that hinders his ability to break free. Kuro-chin's mind was clouded by something else during the game. This hindered him slightly, but it wasn't as bad as the last games of the Inter-High. RFY3 is decent for how little he plays, though out of the those three Furihata is probably the best.' I dribbled between my legs leaving the ball in my right hand. I then drove to the left with a cross over before stepping back. I watched my defender slip and fall to the ground before I shot the three. I felt the ball roll off of the fingertips of my left hand, and shortly after the swish of the net filled my ears. 'I think I've found it. Now I know what to work on during the summer.'

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