Chapter 24

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(Y/n) POV)

Kaijou took the ball up the court, and instead of immediately giving the ball to Kisecchi, they passed around for a moment before eventually giving him the ball.

Koganei: "There it is! Kise versus Aomine!"

Tsuchida: "How many times have they done this today?"

"You say that like we didn't have Kaga-chin go against Aomine every time we had the ball." Instead of attempting any moves, Kisecchi passed the ball to the crazy fucker. As Kaijou tried to get to the basket, A.M. stole the ball, and #7 received the pass.

Hyuga: "It's a turnover!" Mine-chin obviously found the ball again, and Kisecchi was obviously defending him.

'They aren't playing aggressively... Out of all the outcomes I see... I don't see one where this makes sense... unless... Kisecchi... are you...' Mine-chin blew passed Kisecchi once more, but a whistle blows as he went for the dunk only to ram into Kasamatsu-senpai.

Ref: "Charging! Black No. 5!"

Koganei: "What, a foul?"

Kiyo-chin: "I can't believe it didn't count." We then proceed to repeat the same matchup once more, and Mine-chin passed him and scored again.

'You are, aren't you?' Mine-chin scored once more with a formless shot over Kisecchi.

Hyuga: "He's not stopping."

Izuki: "Aomine's at full throttle."

"You're half right. Mine-chin may be trying harder now, but Kisecchi is trying to do something insane." The others look at me weirdly. "I see it... Kaijou's only chance at victory now... I can see it, and it relies on Kisecchi." Kisecchi was breathing heavily as he stood back for a moment.

Kuro-chin: "It's probably exactly what you're thinking. Kise-kun is trying to copy Aomine-kun's style."

Hyuga: "Can he do that?"

"Kisecchi can only copy what he can do. If he can't do it, he can't copy it."

Koganei: "What?"

Coach: "Put simply, he's just a fast learner. He can't recreate the movements of NBA players or anyone better than himself."

Kiyo-chin: "But if he's trying to do something, it means he believes he can do it." As the clock ticked, glasses quickly threw up a shot that had very little chance of going in. However, a game of chance is often annoying to deal with. Cause even with the slightest chance, you can make the shot. And that's exactly what glasses did. The score going into halftime, 34-43 Touou in the lead.

"I'll be back." I stood up, and began walking to where I'd find the blonde bastard who's trying to do the impossible. About half way there, I noticed Kuro-chin was with me. "Hello" He nods in greeting. We find Kisecchi leaning against the railing of the balcony.

Kuro-chin: "Hello." He looked over at us a little surprised.

Kisecchi: "Kurokocchi? (Y/n)cchi? What's with the dog?"

Kuro-chin: "I kept him in my bag while I was watching, so I thought I would let him get some fresh air during the break."

Kisecchi: "There's plenty I could say about that. So, what are you doing here?"

"We've been training nearby until yesterday. Kasamatsu-san told me that the game was here, I told Coach, and here we are."

Kisecchi: "So you didn't come here to cheer me on."

"No. Who'd want to cheer for you?" Crocodile tears poured down his face.

Kisecchi: "So mean! By the way... Between Aominecchi and me, who do you think will win."

Kuro-chin: "I don't know."

"It's hard to tell."

Kisecchi: "What?"

Kuro-chin: "As long as you don't give up, anything could happen, and I don't think either of you will give up. So... I don't think it would be strange if either of you won."

"I'd say as you are now, you'd lose. I've seen that if you can copy Mine-chin, then you can definitely win. There's to many variables, and not enough time to test all of them."

Kisecchi: "I'll go do my best, then." Number 2 barked. "Huh? What is it?"

Kuro-chin: "I thought you would say, "I'll definitely win!"

Kisecchi: "What are you talking about? Of course that's what I'm trying to do, but honestly, I don't know either. In middle school, it was natural for us to win, but... I feel better now not knowing if I'll win." I chuckled as I turned and began walking off.

"Win Kisecchi. Kasamatsu-san will probably kill you if you don't."

Kisecchi: "Why's that?!"

"Ask her."


Kaijou immediately put on the pressure to start the second half. In fact, they were putting on more pressure than the first half. A.M. lost the ball due to Kasamatsu-senpai. Kisecchi quickly began running, and Kasamatsu-senpai threw the ball to him. Glasses was the last line of defense for Touou.

'Here it comes.' Kisecchi was able to perfom one of Mine-chin's crossovers, and Glasses panicked and fouled.

Ref: "Foul, holding! Black No. 4!" Kisecchi chose to go for one of Mine-chin's formless shots. Identical to the one he did against Kaga-chin. Wakamatsu-senpai was defending him, and once again panicked and fouled him. Unlike Mine-chin, the ball didn't go in. "Pushing, black No. 6! Free throw, two shots!"

Koganei: "Kise's amazing! He's just like Aomine!"

"Mine-chin would've made that shot. Kisecchi is progressing quickly, and he's analyzing every single move he's doing. It's barely noticeable, but I can see his mouth moving ever so slightly like he's muttering to himself."

Coach: "That's also why he's not going against Aomine. He doesn't think he's on the mark."

Kiyo-chin: "In other words, when Kise tries to go one-on-one against Aomine again, it will be once he's perfected his copy." Kisecchi made both free throws cause no one misses free throws in this anime. Anyway, the score was now 46-58 with 6:13 left in the 3rd quarter. Kaijou was beginning to pick up the momentum before Mine-chin quickly said fuck that, and threw in a shot while still standing on the ground.

"This is what I meant earlier. Just because Kisecchi can copy Mine-chin doesn't guarantee(Why is this word so difficult to spell?) victory." Kasamatsu-senpai dribbled the ball, but couldn't get passed Glasses.

Hyuga: "He can't get through!"

Izuki: "They know what he's going to do!"

'Nice.' Kasamatsu-senpai made a quick spin into a fadeaway jumper. He missed, but Crazy Fucker got the rebound who passed out to #8. #8 quickly to the close shot, and banked it in. Glasses passed the ball to A.M. you went for the three only to be blocked by #5.

Tsuchida: "The point difference hasn't changed!"

'He's finally beginning to realize.' Kisecchi stood with the ball being guarded by Mine-chin. "Get ready for a show." Kisecchi finally broke past Mine-chin, and went for a layup. Mine-chin jumped to block, but Kise flipped the ball around and tossed it over his back, sinking the shot.

Ref: "Defense, black No 5! Basket counts, one free throw!"

Hyuga: "He can't make any more bold plays!"

"You clearly don't know Mine-chin."

Koganei: "He made the free throw!"

Tsuchida: "It's only a single digit difference now!" Glasses tried to pass to Mine-chin, but he seemed a little out of it allowing Kisecchi to steal the ball. A.M. tried to stop Kisecchi, but that worked about as well as you'd think. Kisecchi went to dunk the ball, but Mine-chin caught up to him and blocked the dunk. The two GoM members stared each other down.

"Here's where the game starts."

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