Chapter 25

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(Y/n) POV)

'Kaijou's may have to rely on fouling Mine-chin out. It's a fifty-fifty shot on Kisecchi beating Mine-chin even with Mine-chin's style copied.'

Hyuga: "Touou hasn't changed their lineup. Anyone would lose their edge with four fouls. Are they going to be okay?" Mine-chin took the ball up the court, and blew through everyone until he reached Kisecchi. Kisecchi was able to hold him from the basket, but Mine-chin pulled one of his broken parallel fadeaways. 

Koganei: "There it is!"

Tsuchida: "They scored already!" Kaijou trusted Kisecchi with the ball, and he proceeded to do the exact same thing Mine-chin did.

"Great... now he can do that parallel bullshit too."

Kaga-chin: "That was exactly the same shot." The two GoM members would continue to battle it out. Mine-chin would score, and Kisecchi would score in the exact same way.

'The only real issue here is Kaijou isn't gaining a lead.' As Kisecchi went to perform Mine-chin's over the back of the backboard shot, I saw his ankle twist as his foot lost traction for a second. 'This game's over.' Kisecchi fought through the pain, and took the shot anyway. The ball rolled along the rim for a couple seconds before falling into the hoop.  Her eyes widened for a second.

Coach: "That must be tough."

Koganei: "I'm exhausted."

Coach: "Not you! I've never seen such a static flow in a game before. The inside players must be really worn down mentally."

Hyuga: "It's especially tough on Kaijou. They've been stuck eight to ten points behind forever, but even with the clock ticking they still haven't given up." Current score is 98-108 with 2:57 left in the 4th. Glasses tried to pass to A.M. but he was out of it, and the ball hit off of his hand. Kisecchi capitalized, and quickly grabbed the tipped pass. "The balance is broken!"

Izuki: "This is Kaijou's chance!" As Kisecchi ran down the court the game went to seconds remaining. Barely under a minute remained in this game.

Kiyo-chin: "This is where the game will be decided. If they make this shot, they'll only be two threes behind. It'll boost the team's morale. If they miss, they'll have reached their time limit. Practically speaking..." Mine-chin caught up to Kisecchi, and the two did the thing they've done this entire time. "It's their last chance!" Instead of taking any moves to break pass Mine-chin, Kisecchi jumps, attemtping the formless shot.

Koganei: "A formless shot?" Mine-chin jumped with him, and had the height to block the shot. Kisecchi then quickly pulled the ball down, and began to pass behind him. Kasamatsu-senpai was wide open for a three. Mine-chin then quickly spun mid air, and slapped the pass away. The ball bounced out of bounds as both aces breathed heavily. "He stopped the shot?"

Kiyo-chin: "They lost their only chance." Both teams were shocked by the outcome. Kisecchi stood there defeated until Kasamatsu-senpai's fist met the back of his head. Even though the game was over, Kaijou fought with everything they had. Kaijou's offense couldn't score, and the defense couldn't stop Mine-chin. As Mine-chin went for a dunk, Kisecchi wasn't gonna give up and jumped to block the shot, but Mine-chin over powered him. The buzzer rang, 98-110 Touou victory.

Ref: "Both teams! Line up!" Kisecchi tried to stand, but couldn't.

"Dumbass..." Kisecchi continued struggling to stand, but continuously failed. Kasamatsu-senpai held a hand out to him, but Kisecchi didn't take it. Kaijou's captain picked up Kaijou's ace, and helped him walk to the line up.

Ref: "98 to 110, Touou Academy wins! Bow!

Teams: "Thank you very much!"

'I can't think of a way to beat Mine-chin as I am now... WE can't beat Touou as WE are now.'

Coach: "We can't keep brooding forever! Let's go home and start practicing right away!"

Kaga-chin: "What? We're leaving? Aren't there more guys from the Generation of Miracles playing at this tournament?"

Coach: "I wish we could watch until the end!"

Kaga-chin: "We can find a hotel, and..."

Hyuga: "A hotel, huh? Hey, Kagami." Captain then began to violate Kaga-chin: "Where do you have the money for that? Are you a rich kid? Are you actually some rich kid? You did say you live by yourself! Besides, if we extend our trip too much, the coach's dad will kill us!"


Hyuga: "Winter will be here before you know it!" He finally stopped bullying Kaga-chin. "We'll go home and practice!"

All: "Yeah!" Number 2 barks.

Kuro-chin: "Number 2, quiet." He barks again.


Coach: "You can probably let him out now."

Kuro-chin: "You're right." We were now leaving the stadium.

Atsu-nii: "Huh? I feel like I've been here before. Where am I?" I looked up and started smiling slightly. "I mean, I don't want to play basketball anyway. It's so tiring. Oh, wow. This new flavor's pretty good." He walked passed us, and I chuckled to myself.

"Always the same."

Hyuga: "What are you doing? We'll leave you behind!"

Kaga-chin: "What's wrong?"

Kuro-chin: "Nothing. I just forgot to greet someone."

"I haven't seen you in a while 'Tsushi."


I turned a different path, and saw Kaijou walking as a team.

"Yo!" They stopped to look at me. "Can I speak to Kisecchi for a second please." Kisecchi walks over to me, and I instantly hit him on the head. "You better heal that damn ankle up!" He looks at me surprised. "Oh don't look so surprised! I want you to be at a hundred percent when we face off again." I tapped the knuckle of my index finger on his forehead. "Now go heal up, and don't try to do anything stupid." I turn and begin walking off. As I walk I pulled out my phone, and texted Kasamatsu-san. 'We can get dinner when we beat Touou in the Winter Cup.' I laughed to myself as I realized everyone's probably looking for me, and probably Kuro-chin as well... and Kaga-chin cause he follows Kuro-chin almost all the time he disappears. 'I'm gonna die.'

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