Chapter 21

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(Y/n) POV)

Coach: "This year, at the beginning and end of summer vacation, we'll be taking two trips, to the beach and to the mountains!"

Hyuga: "The qualifiers for the Winter Cup start right after summer vacation ends! It's important we use this vacation as effectively as possible. Let's give it everything we have! Dismissed!"

Team: "Good work!"

Coach: "Sorry. I have to go talk to the teachers about our training camps."

Hyuga: "Okay." I walked over to Hyuga-senpai. Kaga-chin and Kuro-chin started bickering like normal before it happened. "One more time, everyone! Gather 'round!" We listened cause why wouldn't we. "We're currently facing grave danger. In order to make two trips this year, we chose cheap lodgings. We'll have to make our own food, which is where our problem lies. Coach will be... cooking for us!" He was sweating like crazy.

Furihata: "What? Is that bad?"

Hyuga: "Of course it's bad! At the Touou game, you saw her honey-soaked lemons!" I shuddered at the memory.

Kiyo-chin: "That's not cooking anymore."

Furihata: "Why don't we just cook for ourselves?"

Hyuga: "I wish we could, but..."

Izuki: "Practice is so brutal, no one can move at night."

Koganei: "Just thinking about it..."

'I don't wanna go on this training camp anymore...'


We all sat with bowls in front of us while Coach was cutting and cooking. Behind her were the words "Training Camp Menu Tasting" on the whiteboard.

"Menu... tasting?" Hyuga-senpai leaned over to me and whispered.

Hyuga: "We can't just tell her to practice because she sucks."

RFY2: "By the way, can you guys cook?"

Izuki: "A little."

Koganei: "Pretty much anything."

Hyuga: "Nope!"

Izuki: "Mitobe's probably the best. What about you, Kuroko?"

Kuro-chin: "No one makes a meaner boiled egg than me."

'Now I wanna challenge Mitobe-senpai to a cooking contest.'

Coach: "It's ready!" She looked happy. "Curry!" The smile of the devil. I looked at my plate... and what the fuck was she even cutting?! "Just ignore what it looks like. It should taste fine! It's just curry, anyway!"

Hyuga: "Okay, then..."

Team: "Thanks for the food." We all took a bite... and I almost died then and there.

Coach: "Let me know if you want more.'

'She... made a... whole... pot...'

Coach: "It wasn't very good, was it?" I looked at her hands behind her back, and saw the multiple bandages on her fingers. I looked at the "curry" in front of me.

'Fuck it.' I scooped another bite into my mouth, and I see Hyuga-senpai doing the same out of the corner of my eye. The two of us shoveled the rest of our food into our mouths.

Hyuga: "Thanks for the food. It tasted good, but it was a little spicy. I'm going to get something to drink." I stood up and walked over to the pot before making myself another plateful.

"Thank you for the food. I hope you don't mind me getting more." 'I'm gonna be regretting this later.' I continued to eat until I finished four plates. "Thank you Coach. I like spicy food so don't listen to Hyuga-senpai. It appears he has no spice tolerance." 'I feel like I'm about to die.'

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