Chapter 15

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Coach: "Hey, guys! The names of all the schools appearing in the championship league are out! As you can see, A block is us, B block is Touou Academy, C block is Meisei, and D block is Senshinkan. These four schools will compete to represent our region."

Hyuga: "This is a fresh league chart." 

Izuki: "Until last year, the Tokyo representatives always included the three kings Shutoku, Seiho, and Senshinkan."

Koganei: "I've been thinking... We beat two of those teams, right? Do you think this year we could make it all the way?"


Hyuga: "You said it!"

Koganei: "Even if we lose to Momoi-chan and Aomine, if we beat the others..."

Coach: "It's not Senshinkan."

"We'll be playing them first thing." I mutter.

Coach: "Those two go to Touou Academy."

Team: "What?!"

Koganei: "I thought all the Generation of Miracles went to well-known schools!"

Izuki: "I thought he would have gone to a strong school like Midorima."

Coach: "I looked it up, so I'm sure."

Hyuga: "That's unheard of."

Coach: "Their history isn't impressive, but they've been putting energy into their scouting efforts recently, recruiting promising athletes from all over the country. In the last few years they've rapidly gained power, and this year's line up is comparable to Shutoku's."

RFY3: "I don't believe it..."

Kaga-chin: "Hey!"

Hyuga: "You're late."

Kaga-chin: "Sorry. Cleaning up took longer than expected." Number 2 barked which caused me to jump and shuffle away from it.

Coach: "Number 2?" She then looked at Kaga-chin's legs. She then stomped towards Kaga-chin while I prayed for his safety. "Kagami-kun, did you play basketball?"

Kaga-chin: "N-No."

Coach: "You've gotten worse."

Kaga-chin: "Well, I... a little." Coach then jumped up and pushed down the top of his head.

Coach: "You idiot, Kagami!"

Kaga-chin: "Sorry, ow!"

Coach: "How many times did I tell you? Are your ears just for decoration? Are they just holes in your head?"

Kaga-chin: "Ow!"

Coach: "You'll just be watching today! Get a heating pad from the nurse's office. Since you can't sprint, walk all the way there on your hands!"

Kaga-chin: "Seriously?" I walked over to coach and tapped her shoulder. She glared at me and I slightly raised my hands in surrender.

Coach: "That idiot!"

"Please... calm down..."

Hyuga: "Who are we playing first?"

Coach: "I'm mad because we won't have Kagami! Our first game is against Touou Academy!"


I laid on the roof of the school. I may or may not have persuaded the principal into giving me the keys to the rooftop.

'Everyone left already. I should leave soon.' I stood and looked off of the edge as I leaned my body against the metal railing. "I've only ever stopped you once. Now will be different. Aomine, I hope you're ready."


Coach: "It's almost time!" I laid on my back on the floor. "Is everyone ready?" I quickly hopped up and stood ready with the rest of the team. "Only three out of the four schools will be going to the Inter-High! Just like Koganei-kun said, it doesn't seem difficult at first glance.  However..." Mitobe-senpai and Izuki-senpai grab Koganei-senpai as the rest of us back away.

Koganei: "Huh? What? Hey, wait..." He was then hit with a paper fan by coach.

Coach: "If you think we can lose one because it's a league game, we're finished!"

Koganei: "Why me?"

Coach: "It comes down to now! We will win this game! Seirin, fight!"

Team: "YEAH!" I hadn't said really anything the whole time. Even when we were walking to our side of the sideline.

Kaga-chin: "Excuse me, where's Aomine?"

Blondie: "That self-centered bastard is running late." That got my attention as I looked over.

Glasses: "Sorry. We're actually in a bind without him, too. He said he'd show up around the second half. I guess you could call us the opening act. Go easy on us."

"Kill them all. Show no mercy." My first words of the day to the team surprised them as they all looked at me. "Ahomine wouldn't go somewhere weak. He would go somewhere he could easily skip games and the team would still win."

Kuro-chin: "You're eyes are darker (Y/n)-kun." I look at him for a moment before shaking my head.

"Sorry." I mutter as I get myself ready for the game.


Izuki: "Kagami, you've already played Aomine once, right? Your motivation hasn't dropped, has it?"

Kaga-chin: "No way. If anything, I'm pissed!" I wasn't going to start this game due to my own request. I wanted to be full energy when Mine-chin decides to show up. "I'll pull so far ahead they can't catch up and make their star the world's biggest idiot!" I see Kuro-chin's mouth move, but I couldn't hear him.

Hyuga: "Alright, you got it. Let's go all out..." The tip off starts in Touou's favor. "...from the start!" Glasses sped down the court before stopping due to our glasses wearing sharpshooter. 

Glasses: "You're quick, aren't you? We have no choice, then." He then threw the ball behind him. "We'll start by having our kamikaze captain pave the way for us." A boy with brown hair and matching eyes caught the pass and shot the three.

Kamikaze: "Sorry!" He apologized even though he made the shot.

Hyuga: "Calling yourselves the opening act was evil." Glasses began walking back.

Glasses: "What? I wasn't lying. You'll know once Aomine gets here. We're cute little kids compared to him. I told you, we're just the opening act." I looked over at the pink haired manager. I already knew this would be damn near impossible for any offense to work. 

'How do I break through something if they already know what I'm going to do. Wait... Everytime I'm in a game I've been feeling these electric shocks go through me, and I can react to what's going to happen before my mind can process it. Maybe, just maybe... No... there is no maybe.  I will have to use this instinctual reaction to my advantage.' I closed my eyes and looked back forward. 'I'll figure this out before Mine-chin gets here. I have to.'

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