Chapter 22

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(Y/n) POV)

We lost 2 out of the three games we played during the camp. We one our second game, but lost the first and last one. We left the gym, and were now in front of buckets of ice.

Kuro-chin: "What is this?"

Coach: "It's my special icing technique. It's great for sore muscles and fatigue." Izuki-senpai hopped in first.

Izuki: "That's cold!"

"We ended up losing all but one game."

Koganei: "Have we gotten worse?"

Kiyo-chin: "Not at all. You've definitely grown. Have some more confidence." He was shaking like crazy in the ice bucket. "We're strong!"


Kaga-chin asked me to work with him since he couldn't play in the games due to him being forced to run everytime.

Coach: "You two are working hard." We both stopped as we looked towards coach.

Kaga-chin: "Not really. I was just putting this ball away, so I thought I'd practice a little first. Actually... I've just been running on the beach by myself during this whole trip."

Coach: "What? Really?"

Kaga-chin: "And the game's always over by the time I get back! Why did I even come here?"

Coach: "What? You still haven't noticed?" He hasn't noticed. "I'll tell you, then. Try jumping." Kaga-chin tossed the ball over to me, and ran towards the hoop. He jumped and slapped the backboard. I spotted Takao getting scared as he hid behind the bushes. "You're tired, so that's all you can manage right now. Try jumping the other way now." Kaga-chin did as he was told, but a little too hard. "You idiot, you hit it too hard!" A handprint was on the top of the falling backboard, and I watched Takao dive out of the way. Kaga-chin laid on the ground as Coach walked up to him. "Do you understand now? Your greatest weapon is your jumping power, but you haven't drawn out your full strength. For now, work on preparing yourself physically. After that, it's up to you. Don't forget to stand the hoop back up." She began walking off as I hopped over the bushes, and began lifting the hoop up again. As I finished lifting the hoop, and ignoring Takao, I saw Mido-chin walking over.

Kaga-chin: "What do you want?"

Mido-chin: "Nothing. I simply went to buy something to drink."

Kaga-chin: "A drink?" He was drinking... Red Bean Soup? Ok little fourth wall break. What the fuck kinda flavor is that?! Anyway, back to your regular scheduled show! "I'm surprised you can drink that during the summer."

Mido-chin: "It's cold, you fool."

Kaga-chin: "That's not what I'm talking about!"

Mido-chin: "I have lost faith in you." I slowly began stepping to the side with the ball in hand.

Kaga-chin: "Where did that come from?"

Mido-chin: "Before losing to me, you were destroyed by Aomine."

Kaga-chin: "I'll win next time! It won't always be that way!" Mido-chin looked at the handprints on the backboard.

Mido-chin: "Don't tell me... you believe you can fight him in the air. Is jumping all you think about, fool?"

Kaga-chin: "What?"

Mido-chin: "Simply jumping higher will not change the results. That is only half the answer." He walks a bit away, and places his drink down. "Ball." I toss the ball over to him as he continues. "It is not yet a weapon. Come. I will correct your simplistic thinking."

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