3. Family Dinner

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Anshika's POV

Today is Sunday when some guests are coming for dinner in our house and I am helping my mother in doing all the preparation of the dishes in kitchen.

Its 6:30 pm and here I am in my room getting ready for the dinner with my father's friend. I haven't met them before but my father told me that I know them and it's a surprise for me.

Well it's not that I don't like surprises but I am a curious person and till the time I meet them I will have this different feeling in my stomach. I got ready by wearing a blue colour kurti with ankle length leggings.

"Anshi beta, please come downstairs" I can easily make out that guests are here because of all the noise that is coming from downstairs. I went inside drawing room to greet them but I got shocked.

There ayush sir was sitting with his parents Rakesh sir and Sanyukta mam and one girl. Ayush sir was looking shocked seeing me there.

"Good evening Sir and Mam" I greeted them and suddenly Sanyukta mam hugged me "No need to be formal beta you can call us aunty uncle" she said smiling to which rakesh sir also nodded I just smiled at them.

Then we all settled down and they I mean elders started talking about everything.

"Anshi and rohit go to terrace with ayush and srishti and show them around" my mother asked me and rohit and well you all will be thinking about srishti then let me tell you srishti is ayush sir's younger sister.

As asked we took them to terrace firstly me and srishti were talking and rohit and ayush sir were talking among themselves.

"Anshi di where is washroom?" srishti asked me and I was going to reply when rohit interrupted in between "Let me show you I was also going downstairs only to grab my phone" and just like that they left and me and ayush sir were alone.

"H...hello Sirrr" I said sorry stutter again he smiled at me. "You know you can call me ayush I won't mind as now we know each other personally" he said and I blushed while nodding.

After talking for a while when rohit and srishti didn't come we went downstairs and traitor I mean my brother rohit and srishti were already there and gossiping about something.

"Rohit...why didn't you come upstairs with srishti we were waiting for you?" I said to which he just shrugged and said "we were coming but mummy stopped us for eating".

Then we all did dinner and then we were seeing off aunty uncle when sanyukta aunty came to me and hugged me while saying "Take care beta".

"You too aunty" I said and she patted my head and they drove off to their home.

"Papa you didn't tell me that Rakesh uncle is your friend" I asked my father when we entered inside. "Beta I knew that he owns a hospital but I didn't knew that it was the same one in which you are working" I nodded.

After cleaning and all we settled and I was drinking water then my mother asked me "So do you like ayush?" I spitted all the water which I was drinking in front of me.

"Huhh what are you saying I didn't understand?" I said.

"Oh just cut it I know you like him as the way you were acting infront of him...afterall I am your mother" she said smiling.

"Dii, don't act I also know that you like him you were stuttering in front of him and was a blushing mess" Rohit said while laughing and I just shushed him while throwing a cushion towards him.

"Beta Rakesh and Sanyukta bhabhi wants you to marry their son and I know that he is good boy so think about it and tell me about your decision day after tomorrow" my father said to me.

I was literally shocked "does ayush know about this?" I asked my parents.

"No, but like us they will also tell him today and then we will wait for both of your decision and if it's positive you both will be married" my mother said.

After that we went to our respective rooms and I just can't believe that it's happening in real life I have only read this in novels.

"I am so happy but what if he rejects you" my subconscious said and I just want to throw her out of my mind when I think positive she gives me negative points and when i think negative she gives me positive points.

Ughh well she is right what if he rejects I will not tell my decision first I will wait for him.I don't want to get embarassed in front of everyone. While thinking this I slept but not peacefully this time.


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This one is longer than previous ones. I hope you all liked it.

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