21. Trust

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Anshika's POV

"Anshi, please wake up" I heard someone. But my whole body was paining so I ignored it and tried to sleep again.

But someone was continuously tapping me on my shoulders so I opened my eyes and saw ayush who was looking at me concerned. But all the incidents that happened few hours before came rushing to me and I pushed him away from me.

I know that he doesn't trust me and Trust is the most important factor in every relationship. Earlier he didn't try to listen to my side of story and assumed on his own that I am cheating on him.

I got up from bed inspite of headache and bodyache I took my suitcase and started throwing my clothes inside it while ayush was continuously asking me that what am I doing?

I locked my suitcase and was near the door when he again asked the same question and I snapped at him. "Can't you see I am leaving your home?" I said and left from our room. I don't know why is he trying to talk to me when he himself was accusing me a while ago. I love him so much but I think we need space from each other.

I was going to tell him today about baby but I think now is not the time for that. I will first clear my mind and after that I will tell him. As now I am not sure that how is he going to react after listening the news?

I was going to open the main door when I was pulled back and ayush pinned me to the nearby wall trapping me between him and the wall.

"You are not going to leave me or our home" he said directly looking into my eyes. On standing too close to him tears welled up in my eyes. "Why do you want to live with a ch...cheater?" I said and my voice cracked while speaking cheater.

His eyes widened when I spoke the last part and tightly hugged me. "No baby, you are not a cheater. I trust you. Please let me explain everything. Please!" he said while looking at me with pleading and teary eyes.

I nodded and he took my hand and entered our room. He made me sit on the bed and he himself sat beside me.

"So?" I asked him but he searched something inside our nightstand and then gave me bourbon biscuit with a medicine and a glass of water.

"I will tell you everything but first have a biscuit and this medicine to calm down your temperature" he said and I nodded. How can I be angry at him when he will act this cute and caring?

I first ate the biscuit and then gulped the medicine and then turned towards him so that he can talk. "Umm...okay so I will tell you everything but promise me you will not interrupt me in middle" he said and I nodded.

"Okay then today when I was in my cabin...................................................................................and that's how we handed over vedika to police and dhanush was also caught" he told me everything.

I was shocked will be an understatement. How can vedika do this? Firstly I used to think that vedika is not a good person but recently I have started considering her as my friend.

"What!! This means Vishal was not a creep and he himself was a victim?" I asked still confused. He nodded intensely looking at me.

"Okay but what about all the transmitters and camera?" I asked him feeling uncomfortable thinking that I was being watched for so long.

"They checked vedika's all the devices and only one camera was there in the bedroom but total four transmitters were fitted in the whole house. Don't worry I destroyed them all" ayush said smiling at me and I hugged him.

"I am so sorry ayush for pushing you and snapping at you I should have listened to you" I cried while hugging him and he tightened his hold on my waist.

"Don't be sorry it's not your fault. Don't you ever dare to think of leaving me. I love you so much that I can't live without you" he said while putting his face in the crook of my neck.

"I love you too and I also can't live without you" I said and I caressed his head with my hands. We stood in the same position for few minutes.

"Okay you must be tired go change your clothes and till that time I will heat the food" I said while getting up from the bed and he did the same.

After eating dinner we laid on our sides of bed facing each other. I think that now everything is solved I should tell him about me being pregnant.

"Ayu..ush?" I called him and he scooted closer to me so that he was just mere inches away from me. "Yes baby" he said looking into my eyes.

"Umm....ayush I want to tell you something" I said and he nodded while indicating me to continue.

"I..I am pr...pregnant" I stutter and looked towards his chest avoiding eye contact. After few minutes of silence he finally spoke.

"Really anshi, You are not joking right?" he asked while grabbing my face with his both hands and looking at me curiously.

"No ayush I am not joking and I am really pre...." I was speaking but ayush interrupted me by slamming his lips onto mine. He first started slowly but quickly turned it into a passionate one.

His tongue touched my lower lip asking for permission which I gladly did and our tongues moved rhythmically with each other.

When we were out of breadth we pulled apart. "Thank you baby this is the best thing I have ever heard" he said smiling at me and I smiled too feeling relaxed to see him happy.

He pulled my top slightly up and touched my bare stomach with his hands. "Mumma papa loves you so much" he said while looking at my stomach and caressing it at the same time.

"Anshi I love you and our baby so much" he said looking at me. "We love you too" I said and he smiled. He again took my lips in his and while kissing he hovered over me pinning both of my hands above my head.

To be continued in the next chapter 😉😉

Finally Ayush and Anshika are together. 😍😍

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