11. Passion and Confessions

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Anshika's POV

It's been almost 2 months of my marriage with ayush. Everything is going smoothly. "Smooth like butter💜"

Today is Rahul and Shreya's wedding and we are getting ready. To be honest ayush is already ready and he is continuously bugging me by saying "How much more time anshi? Please come fast" and I being a girl always replying "Just 5 minutes please".

I wore a beautiful dark pink shade colour saree with heavy work on it. I did my light makeup and wore some jewellery. When I came out of room ayush was busy in his phone.

"What took you soo.....Wow! You're looking hot" he said and came towards me. "Thanks but not more than you" I said winking at him and he chuckled while saying "progress I see now you don't stutter in front of me" I nodded while blushing and we drove off to the venue.

Reaching there we wished rahul and shreya. I didn't knew anyone here but unlike me ayush was familiar with them because some of them were from same high school. But ayush didn't left my side for a second.

We were talking to each other when a girl came towards us "Hello ayu how are you?" she said to ayush while standing too close to him.

"Hi vedika I am fine...what about you?" he said while maintaining some distance with her and she replied to him. Then ayush introduced me to her and her face showed some emotion which I couldn't understand but quickly covered it with a formal smile.

After some casual talks and having dinner. Whole time that girl vedika clinged to my ayush. I was sitting and listening to their talks. We spent some time together but her "ayu you know....and bla bla" is irritating me so damn much.

She was polite to me but I didn't get any good vibes from her. After vermala ceremony of rahul and shreya we took our leave. Whole ride ayush was trying to initiate the Talk but I always answered him in monologues like 'yes' 'no' 'ok'.

When we reached our home I directly went inside washroom to change into my nightwear. When I came out ayush was sitting putting his clothes in wardrobe.

He asked me about a condition of patient we both were treating I just replied it and without saying anything I slipped inside the duvet.

Few minutes later I felt the bed dip beside me and ayush was hugging me from behind "baby, Are you mad at me?" I shook my head and in a swift motion he laid me flat on the bed and hovered over me while pinning both my hands above my head.

"I know something is bothering you so tell me please" he said staring deep into my eyes.

"Fine...who was she and why was she touching you so much while speaking 'Ayu' and why were you letting her?" I said glaring at him and while saying ayu I mimicked her high pitched voice. He narrowed his eyes and then a mischievous smirk is formed on his face.

"Firstly she was one of our good friend in school and I didn't notice much about her actions....Baby you don't have of to get jealous I am all yours" he whispered in my ear and trailed kisses from my war to my lips.

He stared at me asking for permission and I leaned forward and he took my lower lip in his mouth and nibbled it and I did the same with his upper lip. When I was out of breadth he left my lips but as always he didn't stop there.

He started kissing my neck ans biting it. I moaned because of all the pleasure he was giving me. After kissing few minutes all over my body.

"Stop me anshi because I will not be able to control myself" he said while kissing me passionately. I love ayush and I know that he also feels the same what if we haven't confessed action speaks louder than words.

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