13. Unexpected Guest and Jealousy

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Anshika's POV

Today is sunday and our day off. Due to our busy schedule from few days and different shift timing I haven't been able to spend much time with ayush.

When I woke up ayush was still sleeping so I started making breakfast. "What are you making baby?" ayush said while suddenly coming behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I am making veg cheese grilled sandwich and poha" I said while cooking. "Wow!! I love it" he said while kissing my neck.

"Ayu..ush...lettt me cooook pleasseee" I said while moaning because of his continuous kisses on my neck. Few minutes later he left my neck and after kissing my cheeks he settled on the table.

"Stop staring me ayush" I said while putting plates on table as he was staring me from the time he sat at the dining table.

"Why? I am doing my work only as It's my duty as husband to admire my wife's beauty" he said winking at me and I turned crimson red. We ate our breakfast and ayush went inside bathroom to take bath as I already did it I was watching TV.

Ding Dong!! Ding Dong!! My doorbell rang and after switching off TV I went to open the door. When I opened the door I saw the person which I was least interested to see.

"Vedika?" I asked and she nodded vigorously. God!! give your head a break otherwise it will fall out of your body. I wanted to say but I didn't. "So?" I again asked her while raising my eyebrows.

"Can I come in?" she asked me. Well its 'May I come in?' but whatever It's not a school and I am not her english teacher so leave it. "Yeah Sorry, Come in and have a seat" I said while moving aside and pointing towards sofa.

She sat on the sofa and said "Where is ayush?" Oh directly to the point. Nice! "He is in washroom let me ca....." I got interrupted by ayush who was HALF NACKED UGHH!! His upper body was naked and had loosely tied towel on his waist with water dripping from his hair "Baby, where is my red t-shirt. Did yo..." he got startled when he saw vedika and my shocked face.

He quickly tried to cover his body with his hands but was not successful so while grabbing towel from one hand and covering himself from one he quickly ran towards our room while saying a faint sorry.

After ayush went inside room I turned towards vedika and she was smiling and blushing. Bitch! He is my husband try to control your hormones. I excused myself from her and she looked at me and composed herself and nodded.

I went inside our room and ayush was almost ready. "What is she doing here?" he asked me and I glared at him "Don't you think that I should be the one to ask you this?" I said while folding my hands over my chest.

"Okay I don't know why she is here but I will ask her and don't be jealous because you know what happened last time when you were jealous at rahul's wedding" he said while pecking my lips.

How can I forget that night It was awesome. "No baby it was more than awesome" he said to me while I widened my eyes.

"I think you said your thoughts loud but don't worry I am very much happy knowing your thoughts" he said winking at me and left the room. I stood for few minutes but when I realised that I left my innocent husband with that horny bitch I ran towards them.

I went in the kitchen and brought water with some sweets for her. Indian manners!. Ayush asked me to sit with them and I gladly accepted. I felt pity to her when she told us that her parents died recently and she shifted here in Delhi. She doesn't know anyone here and asked about our adress from rahul.

Then we talked for sometime and I felt that maybe I was wrong to judge her and maybe she was just happy as a friend to saw ayush.

What about her ogling your husband? my conscience said but I didn't gave that topic much thought.

She spent almost 2 hours with us and then went to her home. I talked with her normally after sometime because today she didn't touched or flirted with ayush. I came to know that she is working in some company and is software engineer.

After sometime I went inside room to complete my work and reports. She and ayush were talking about their childhood. When she was leaving she called me amd we bid bye to her.

As soon as she left and I closed the door ayush pinned me to the wall. "Why did you left me with her alone? Last time and in morning you were so much jealous so what happened then?" he asked me while pressing his whole body to mine.

"When I listened to her story and she didn't touched you or flirted with you. I thought maybe I was overreacting so I left you both to catch up because I trust you" I said and he smiled and smashed his lips to mine and sucked my lower lip and I sucked his upper lip.

"Jump" he said and I did what he said and wrapped my legs around his waist and he started moving while kissing me.

He entered the room and closed the door with his leg and laid me on the bed and hovered over me. In few seconds only our clothes were scattered on the floor and ayush was making love to me.

After 4 rounds of making love we took a bath and ayush ordered dinner for us because I was in no mood for cooking and I had already given ashi off.

We decided to watch movie so ayush played it and we watched while eating and then cuddling and kissing. After movie was finished we slept as always in each other arms.

Hey everyone

Happy Dussehra 🎉🎉✨✨

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