17. Back to her

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Anshika's POV

Next day I woke up and did my daily chores. I threw up thrice since I woke up. Morning sickness is very difficult to handle but the result we get after 9 months is worth it all.

I am happy that after yesterday's incident when I slammed the door on vishal's face he didn't show up. I got ready and drove off to the hospital.

"Hello anshi" shivi said as soon as I entered in my cabin. "Hello shivi, you are early today" I said while settling myself.

"Yupp I just wanted to check on you and I came to say hello to baby" shivi said and whispered the last line winking at me. I chuckled and offered her strawberry candy that I was eating.

"So when is jiju coming?" shivi asked while chewing the candy. "Most probably tomorrow" I said smiling thinking about him.

We talked today for around 15 minutes but I didn't tell him anything about pregnancy. I want to tell him this big news face to face.

I checked patients and came to cafeteria for lunch. I think Shivi and mohit are being late so I reserved a table. I was waiting for my besties and the food I ordered when vedika called me.

"Hey anshika" vedika said and I too greeted her. "So when is ayush returning?" she asked curiously.

"I don't know exactly but maybe tomorrow" I replied and my food came so I cut the call few minutes later. Just when shivi and mohit came and sat with me.

I was eating and shivi was putting some of her paneer pieces in my plate. Me and mohit both raised our eyebrows at her and she gestured me to eat more.

Oh baby see your maasi is caring for you so much. Mohit was shocked seeing shivi giving her food to me because she used to eat some bites from our plates everytime we went to hotel or cafeteria.

I smiled seeing her antics. "Is there something which I don't know?" mohit asked and we both shrugged him off saying girl things.

After lunch whole day was passed in me doing rounds and treating patients. When I returned home ashi came and made dinner for me as I was feeling tired and dizzy.

After eating dinner when I was going to sleep my mother called me and we talked for half an hour about household things and relatives issues.

It was almost 2:00 am when I heard sounds coming from living area. I panicked thinking that some thief or creep has entered our home. I quickly took a flower vase which was on the side table and stood near door.

But someone was opening the door from keys. Huh! How the hell thief have keys? I was thinking when the door opened revealing ayush.

"AYUSH!!!" I shouted and tightly hugged him he drooped his suitcase and hugged me back more tightly.

"What were you doing near the door with a flower vase in your hand?" ayush asked after breaking our hug and putting me down.

"I thought someone broke into our home so I was just trying to protect myself" I said getting embarassed and he chuckled pulling me closer and placing his head in the crook of my neck.

"I missed your sweet strawberry smell so much" he said while kissing my neck. "You missed my smell but not me" I said while pulling away and placing my both hands on my waist.

He smiled and locked the door. "You go freshen up and I will prepare dinner for you" I said while going outside.

"No anshi I have already eaten dinner in airport so don't worry. I am tired let's sleep" he said while pulling out his clothes from wardrobe.

I nodded and then he went inside washroom and I laid on the bed. I was waiting for him but I don't know when sleep engulfed me.

I felt him hugging me and saying how much he loves me in my half sleep state. I smiled and hugged him more. After 5 days now I was sleeping peacefully.

Next morning when I woke up ayush was hugging but I again felt the need to throw up so I pushed his hands away and ran inside the washroom. I was throwing up when I felt ayush caressing my back.

I tried to push him but he tapped and caressed my back which made me relax. After I threw up he went inside bedroom and I brushed my teeth.

When I came back ayush was not in the room so I thought maybe he was using different washroom as we are getting late.

I bathed and after getting ready I went inside kitchen to make breakfast but everything was already prepared and ayush was filtering tea.

"Ayush what are you doing? I would have made it" I tried to take the tray from him but he asked me to just sit on the dining table.

"I made breakfast because you are not well and I am not a good cook like you but I hope you will like it" he said grinning.

He made strawberry pancakes, club sandwich and tea. I took a bite and moaned eating it. "Ayush this is really awesome" I said while eating fastly.

He chuckled and said "Thank you but don't moan like that because It is turning me on and if you want to skip today then it's okay". I blushed listening to him and quietly completed my whole breakfast.

We drove off together to hospital. As usual I checked patients and gossiped with shivi and mohit during lunch time. I didn't see ayush much because he came back after a leave so he was very busy. I planned to tell ayush today about baby and I hope everything will be fine.

After completing my shift shivi dropped me home as all the HODs had some meeting. After changing I had dinner and waited for ayush. It was almost midnight when doorbell rang I quickly sprinted towards the door and opened it.

Ayush was standing there but he didn't said anything and didn't even smiled at me like he always does. His eyes was bloodshot red.

"Ayush? I was waiting for you where were you?" I asked closing the door. He didn't replied and went inside our room. "Ayush I am talking too......" I was saying but was interrupted by ayush when he yelled at me making me flinch.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT? Can't you understand that if I am not replying I don't want to talk to you" he yelled at me and a sob left my mouth and I started crying. I don't know what happened to him suddenly everything was okay till the time I left the hospital.

To be continued in the next chapter 😁😁

How was the chapter? What happened to ayush suddenly?😣😣

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