12. Shocking News

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Ayush's POV

Ring!! Ring!! Ringggggg!! Ahh
Who the hell is calling me this early? I whined while getting up carefully without disturbing anshi's sleep. Due to my ringtone sound anshi left my waist and turned the other side continuing her beauty sleep.

During that time I answered the phone and saw that rahul was calling me. "Why the hell are you calling me this early?" I said or more like whisper yelled immediately showing my irritation.

"Chill bro,firstly 8:00 am is not that early and It was my wedding night yesterday so why are you acting like I disturbed yours morning after?" rahul asked and the words that left my lips I regretted instantly "Mine too".

"WHAT? Are you serious? Were you waiting for mine If that was the case you should have told me I would have married early for you. Afterall best friends can do anything for their besties." He replied and I can tell that he was having a mischievous smirk on his face.

"Shut up and tell me why did you called otherwise I am hanging up?" I whisper yelled.

"Shreya is busy with everyone and I was getting bored so I thought why not call you? Though,why are you whispering is bhabhi sleeping if you want you can come in balcony and we can talk as m....." I hanged up while he was bickering . By the way I think he had hit his head yesterday after wedding.

I put my phone on the side table and laid beside anshi. She turned towards and I think when she remembered last night she turned into crimson red and hid her face in my chest.

"Good morning baby" I said while pulling her head out of my chest and facing her towards me. She replied and now hid her face with her hands. I pulled her hands away from her face and kissed her forehead.

"I love you" she said looking at me with a smile on her face which melted my already melted heart. "I love you too" I said and kissed her lips while hovering over her.

"Is it paining much?" I asked and she replied "yeah, but not much". I smiled and we made love again.

After that we took bath and ate our breakfast. It was almost 10:00 am so we drove off to hospital together.
Anshika's POV

When we reached hospital ayush went inside his cabin and I decided to meet shivi and mohit in their department since it's been long I have visited them in their cabin.

"Ughhhhh!!" I screamed as soon as I opened shivi's cabin. OMG!! Shivi and mohit were kissing but as soon as shivi saw me, she pushed mohit too harshly and he fell on the floor. It must have hurt badly.

"What am I missing here? Well I was expecting that by observing your reactions towards each other" I said while sitting on one of the chairs.

"Anshi I am sorry we want to tell you but we thought it would be awkward" they both said simultaneously or we can say that by coincidence.

"Why will it be awkward I don't have any problem if you both are dating each other. Even I will be the most happiest person if you both would have told. Am I bad friend to you both that you doubted me?" I said feeling hurt that they didn't thought of telling me about them but I am happy for them.

"Anshi I was going to tell you but even we both were not sure about our feelings but today only we confessed and now officially we are dating" shivi said while grabbing my hands and mohit nodding to each and everything shivi was saying. Well they will make a cute couple.

"Okay then I am so happy for both of you" I squealed and took both of them in a bone crushing hug. Mohit had some emergency surgery so he went inside OT.

"Then everything is settled now so tell me why are you glowing so much and you are extra cheerful also" shivi said while narrowing her eyes and when I didn't said anything and just shrugged.

She was thinking for sometime when she looked at me shocked "Did you two did it? OMG! you definitely did it" she squealed happily while I tried to stop her.

"Do you want to tell whole hospital about my private life?" I asked horrified because her door was open as that stupid mohit forgot to close it as always.

"Nope, now tell me am I right or wrong?" she asked hopefully and I nodded but I didn't tell anything after that regarding last night because I was not feeling comfortable doing these talks in hospital.

What if someone hears it I will be so embarassed. You know the saying na walls have also ears. So I changed the topic to her and mohit relationship.

I was first shocked to see them like this but on listening to their reason I agreed. I can't find someone more better than mohit for shivi. I love her as my sister and same goes for mohit as shivi is the best choice for him.

She told me that it was all started on my wedding day. After my wedding mohit dropped her home and somehow they kissed and then onwards all these blushing and hide and seek is going on.

But today mohit confessed to her about his liking towards her and now they are dating. Initially I used to think that they had crush towards each other and confronted them separately but they both denied so after that I didn't asked anything about that matter.

After talking to shivi I went to my cabin and checked all the patients. During lunch I and ayush did lunch together. When it was time to go our home. Well today I drove off to our home with ayush beside me.

After reaching I went inside the washroom. Till the time we changed into our nightwears, ashi prepared the dinner. After having dinner we slept peacefully in each other arms.

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