19. Planning

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Ayush's POV

Knock! Knock! I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in" I said while straightening myself. A man of almost same age as mine came inside.

"Hey.." he said waving his hands nervously. "Hello...I don't think that we have met before so any particular reason for your visit and please have a seat" I said gesturing him to sit.

"Uhh....actually I want to tell you something related to you and your wife anshika" he said looking here and there.

"But who are you and how do you know me?" I asked closing the file in which I was working on and giving all my attention to him.

"Umm....My name is Vishal Yadav and I am your neighbour and please don't get mad I was forced to do that" he said pleading me with his eyes. I nodded and asked him to continue whatever he wants to tell me.

"You know vedika?" he asked me and I nodded. "What about her?" I asked him raising my eyebrows.

"Actually she has a really really bad obsession towards you and is planning to separate you and anshika..." he was speaking but I interrupted him asking "WHAT? But why will she do that and she always seems happy when she came to our house" I asked him confused.

"Don't interrupt me again please" he said and I nodded. "Vedika who was your classmate in high school has a deadly obsession towards you not now but from the very beginning. As you have seen her as a friend only she didn't dare to confess her feelings to you at that time. After all those years she deliberately came to Delhi to confess her feelings but when she found out that you are happily married. She couldn't digest and started plotting against both of you...." he was saying but I again interrupted him asking about the plan as I got afraid about anshi's safety.

But he grabbed my forefinger and placed it on my lips. What the freaking hell? Am I looking like a damn child to him. Then he told me about her plan of becoming friends with anshika and then portraying her as a cheater in front of me. He also told me that she has placed a voice transmitter inside our room and a camera after I went to Banglore.

How the hell can she sneak inside and do all these things alone. But we have always treated her as our friend and while talking, many times she came inside our room. Well if she would have listened to our bedroom transmitter she would have gotten very jealous listening to our flirting and you know what I mean.

When he told me that psycho bitch kidnapped his little sister just to fullfill her plan. I have decided that I will do everything in my power to help him. If vedika would have shown me the evidence vishal is telling me, not even in million years I would have believed her. I trust my anshi and I know that she can't do something like this.

"So what is she planning now?" I asked him curiously. "Well today after your meeting she will come to you and will show you the evidences. I am sure that if you don't believe her then she must be having some backup plan. She also has someone from the security team on her side but I don't know who it is. So I suggest you to move according to her plan to avoid any harm to anyone of us. If she will think that her plan is going according to her, she will get relax and then we can easily trap her" he replied sincerely.

I am good in reading faces and I can tell that he is serious about everything. "But I can't hurt my anshi and will never accuse her for such a cheap act" I said while I stood up from my chair.

Vishal also stood up and said "Okay you can't hurt your anshi for a few hours but can see someone other hurting her. I am damn sure she will recover from the one you will give her but I can't say the same about the one which vedika will give".

"Why so suddenly you want to help us?" I asked him curiously as he didn't tried to tell me all these things earlier.

"Firstly I know that vedika is sick minded and can harm anyone for her selfish needs. My ruhi is with her and I don't want to see her get hurt. Secondly there is something else but it's not my place to tell you and after tonight when everything will be alright you will get to know it yourself" vishal said smiling for the last part looking at me.

I agreed to him that I will help him in exposing vedika so that I can have my anshi safe and he can have his sister back safely. For half an hour we planned everything for tonight.

After that vishal went his home and I was just sitting thinking about all the things that had happened and that are going to happen.

Anshi came to my cabin when her shift was over. I told her to go home with shivi as I will be late. I hugged her and then she left. After that I attended my meeting for few hours and as soon as I entered my cabin I came face to face with vedika.

"Ayu....I know that it will be hard to believe but I have something for you very important with all the proofs" vedika said while standing too close to my liking. I need to act according to our plan.

"Hi vedika....what is it?" I asked while going towards my table.

"See these" vedika said handing me an envelope. I opened it and there were pictures of anshi and vishal as same as he told me.

"See I know you will be heartbroken seeing them but I was doubtful of that bitch anshika the very first time I saw her so I followed her and found out that she is a bloody cheater.....sorry ayu" vedika said hugging me. I forcefully detached her from me and I was feeling just one having one emotion and that was rage because of the audacity of her to talk like that for my anshi. But I need to act huff!!

"Really!! How can anshi do this to me" I shouted and faked that I am very heartbroken. After few minutes of her consoling me and repeatedly saying that she is always there for me she left.

I called vishal telling him about all things that vedika said and now I have to show vedika that her plan worked but by breaking my baby's heart. But after today vedika will not be a problem for us. I hope everything goes smoothly and anshi will forgive me.

Then I went home and shouted on anshi as vedika must be listening and seeing us. I didn't knew where she hid all the devices otherwise I would have destroyed them and I wouldn't had to this heartbreaking act for both me and my love.

My heart broke when I saw anshi crying and sobbing but I left her there in our home because last part of our plan is left. I called vishal and we proceeded for the most important and the final part of our plan.

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