15. Coincidences?

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Anshika's POV

It's been two days since ayush went to banglore for work. We were only able to talk 10 minutes hardly due to his busy schedule there. I just pray that his work there will complete early so that he could come back to me before time. I really miss him a lot.

I am sitting in my cabin after I having two rounds in all the wards. "What happened anshi? Why are you looking so sad? Are you missing jiju?" shivi said while entering my cabin and settling herself.

I nodded and she gently grabbed my hands. "Don't worry he will come soon and now just act like yourself because I don't like your sulking face" she said and I laughed listening to her last sentence. Sometimes she acts like my mother and the point is that she is always successful in making me calm.

Whole day passed in a blur as per my schedule. Today my shift was earlier than usual so I came home at 4 pm. I took a bath and ate snacks when my doorbell rang.

I slightly opened to see who came. I was hoping that it was not the one who I thought. Well it was the first time I was so glad to see vedika's face.

I opened the door and she waved at me. I smiled and moved aside so that she can come inside. "Are you free tonight? Let's go to mall" she said while sitting on the sofa.

"Uh...no I don't want to go" I said and she made a sad face. "Please please I so so want to go and watch new movie and tomorrow is my birthday so I have to shop also. I don't have any girl friends here other than you so pretty please" she said hopefully.

I don't like unnecessary shopping and I am tired also but she is right she doesn't know anybody here and it's her birthday so I decided to accompany her.

She smiled happily actually enthusiastically. I quickly wore a short length with jeans and clutched my hair.

Firstly she shopped and I helped her in choosing dresses then she insisted me to buy at least a dress so I choose 3 dresses for trial. She asked me to show her all three dresses after trying.

First one was very loose so I rejected it. Second one was perfect so I gave that to vedika and third was very revealing so I was not comfortable in it.

Second dress was of red colour till knee length and off shoulders. Overall it was a simple and sober dress. Just perfect to my liking.

When I came outside the trial room vedika was not there so while peeking from the dressing area I searched for her.

Suddenly someone grabbed my hands while turning me "Hey there neighbour!" vishal the creep said showing his 32 teeth. Oh!! I will like to punch the hell out of him and his all teeth scattered over the floor.

I quickly snatched my hands from his clutch and glared at him "Oh! Don't get mad please. I was calling you but you were not listening so I touched you. I think you left your dress there so I came here to give you this" he said while showing his hand. I didn't said any word to him and grabbed my dress and went inside the trial room.

I quickly changed into my kurti and jeans. When I came out vedika rushed to me holding a dress "I found this beautiful dress for you. Try this one also".

"No, I have already choose second one. Actually I don't like these much reveling dresses so don't show me these" I said going towards the counter for billing. I know I was being rude to vedika but because of that creep my whole mood was ruined.

"Let's have dinner and then we will watch movie. Yeah!" vedika said excitedly. I wanted to say no to her but tomorrow was her birthday so I just nodded.

We went to food court in the mall. We both ordered Veg indie thali. We ate our dinner and now was drinking cappuccino when suddenly ayush's call came. I instantly picked up.

"Hey baby" ayush said as soon as I picked the call. "Hey....when will you return? I miss you so much" I said while rotating the spoon on my plate. Yeah weird habits!.

"Almost work is completed here so I think I will come early and I miss you too" he said which made me smile ear to ear.

"Really!! I love you so much. I am in the mall with..Ahh" I was going to tell him about us visiting mall but vedika spilled all her hot coffee on her hand and screamed in pain.

"I will talk to you later ayush,bye" I quickly said and I heard him saying bye and replying to my previous I love you.

I quickly wiped her hands with napkin and was getting up to help her but she interrupted me while saying "No no it's okay you sit here otherwise they will think that we have left and will discard our dinner. I will come quickly" I nodded and she left.

Well she was right, today food court was full to the most. As today is saturday so many families and students were there.

I was checking my notification when someone sat in front of me. "Oh! you are ba...What the hell are you doing here?" I asked to none other than vishal who as always without taking permission sat on vedika's chair.

"Well as everyone I came to eat here but when I saw you sitting here alone I thought why not accompany you" he said shrugging his shoulders. I instantly got up.

"Well for your kind information I am not alone and if I was sitting here alone you will be the last person I would ever want to see" I shouted and without waiting for his reply I left the food court.

On the way to washroom I saw vedika. She smiled at me and asked me to wait for her here as she is going to buy movie tickets.

"Vedika I am sorry but I am not feeling well so I think we have to cut it short. But I promise we will continue it some other day" I said while hoping she understands.

I don't want to leave her alone for her birthday night but I don't know what will I do if I saw that creep once again.

She nodded and I drove off to my home. After reaching my apartment I quickly opened my maindoor and locked it properly.

I am scared because of vishal's creepiness. I hope ayush will come earlier as he said. Coincidence is 2-3 times mostly not like today and that day.

I don't want to tell ayush and our parents anything now. They will worry about me unnecessarily and will tell me to take a leave and live with them. I am a grown woman so I think for now I can handle it.

I know that he will not do anything in apartment building as everywhere we have cameras and someone of the security member of building always watches them.

Ayush had already warned them to watch our home more attentively when he is not home. I drift off to sleep thinking about all these things.

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