14. New neighbour

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Anshika's POV

It's been 6 months since I married ayush. Life has been great for both of us. I couldn't ask god someone more better than ayush for me.

When we have same timings we drive together to hospital but when it's different which happens mostly now because sometimes we have some emergency or sometimes ayush busy in meetings with all HODs we drive in separate cars.

In these days vedika has also started spending time with us. I think I was wrong to jump into conclusions without knowing her. But you know jealousy doesn't have any bounds.

Rahul and shreya are happily enjoying their married life. For our parents, we had some get togethers including our siblings. Shivi and mohit are still dating each other they haven't decided for engagement and all as they want to take everything slow.

Today ayush is busy in some complicated surgery so here I am alone in the house as after completing all my tasks when my shift ended I reached our home.

I just came out of the washroom after taking a much needed bath. I was going to dry my hair when the doorbell rang.

Ding Dong! Ding Dong!

"Coming" I said while quickly opening the door thinking that it must be ayush.

"Who are you?" I asked the person infront of me. As I was alone in the home I half closed the door and peeked from the small gap so that if he attacks me I can close the door instantly. Yeah! Yeah! I know I am very intelligent. Hehe!

Be cleared his throat and said "Umm....Hey I am Vishal....and I am your new neighbour...so I thought why not introduce myself to you?" while forwarding his hand for a handshake.

"Hey...I am Anshika Sharma" I said while taking his hands for a formal handshake. "Umm.....okay then see you" he said and left.

If ayush was present here I would have invited him inside but as I don't know him so I didn't because I don't know him what if he was a creep or someone like that.

I went inside to make dinner. We don't call ashi daily as ayush loves the food which I make so when I arrive early from hospital I only cook.

Ding Dong! Ding Dong! Again my doorbell rang I quickly wiped my hands and opened the door ayush stood there. He smiled at me and pecked my lips.

"Hello wifey won't you return my gesture?" he said while pouting. Cute!!

"Which gesture hubby?" I asked innocently which I am not as I know what he was talking about. He pointed towards his lips and pouting to convey his meaning.

I leaned and pecked his lips quickly and ran away from him. He narrowed his eyes at me showing that he is sad.

"Oh...I know your antics of changing this peck into a whole makeout session and I am very hungry so go to room and quickly freshen up" I said while folding my hands over my chest with a smirk on my face.

A smirk also came to his lips within few seconds and he said okay while shrugging his shoulders. "But after eating dinner I will not let you sleep whole night" he whispered in my ear amd went inside room while winking at me.

Smirk that was plastered on my face as soon as he said that I blushed because I know that he was not bluffing.

After having dinner as he said, he didn't let me sleep the whole night. He kept on making love to me without a proper break. When I was completely exhausted he stopped and we slept saying I love you to each other.

Next morning when I woke up ayush was sleeping on my chest while his arms were wrapped around my waist. Basically he was sleeping like a baby.

I stood up and winced due to the soreness in my lower region but within a second I was in the arms of ayush as he grabbed me in bridal style.

"Was I too rough yesterday?" he asked guilt and concern covering his face. I shook my head and kissed his cheeks. "No, you can never hurt me. Yes, it was different from other times but I loved it" I said and he smiled. He made me sit in the bathtub and we took bath in lukewarm water.

Ayush had different shift timing today so I got ready and we bid bye to each other. I was in the parking lot when I bumped into someone.

"Hi neighbour" vishal said suddenly hugging me. I quickly pushed him and stood at a safe distance as he is giving me some creepy vibes.

"Hello and I don't like someone touching me without my permission so please don't do that and excuse me I have to go" I said and drove off to hospital.

Whole day passed quickly with me checking patients and then chatting with mohit and shivi in lunch break. Ayush had afternoon shift today so he will come home after 8 so I was just passing my time by watching a new trending k drama squid game. Well it was awesome.

When ayush returned we did dinner and ayush told me that "Baby, I have to go Banglore as it's been days I have visited it and some complaints are also coming.

"How long?" I asked tears welled up in my eyes. He pulled me into his lap and kissed my hair. "Baby, I have to go for a week only. I will miss you so much" he said looking into my eyes.

"Okay please come quickly. I will miss you so much" I said while hugging me. We stood in the same position for few minutes and slept while cuddling.

Next morning we woke up at 4:00 am and he got ready while I packed his suitcase. Then after some light breakfast he grabbed his suitcase to go but I hugged him saying "I love you"

"I love you too " he said while breaking the hug and kissing me on my lips. We hugged once more, then he drove off to the airport and I just laid on the bed wide awake as sleep was not coming to me without ayush.

Ayush suggested me to live with sanyukta ma and papa but I told him that I will be okay as most of the day is spent in the hospital only. He agreed but asked me to call him immediately if I didn't feel good.

I hugged his side pillow as it was smelling just like him and closed my eyes. "I miss you so much ayush" I said and a tear rolled down my eyes to the pillow.

"It's only for a week anshi" my conscience said and I chuckled at how can I be alone when I have her. Sometimes I think is it me only that speaks so much to their conscience or there are many like me.

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