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I stare outside the window back in Palpatine's Quarters

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I stare outside the window back in Palpatine's Quarters. I was in a trance staring at the light of the city, but my mind was still recking with the thoughts of my people back on Naboo suffering from the blockade.

"Mesa wonder why da guds invent pain?" I hear Jar-Jar say from behind me, "To motivate us, I imagine..." I answer him, "Yousa tinken yousa people ganna die?" I sigh not taking my eyes from the city. "I don't know." I tell him.

"Gungans ganna get pasted too, eh?" he asks again, "I hope not." I tell him and my mind goes to the Gungans even if I've never been to their hidden city, they still are citizens of Naboo.

"Gungans do die'n without a fight.... wesa warriors. Wesa gotta grand army. Dat why you no liken us, metinks." He says and I hear the door of the room open and turn around seeing, Senator Palpatine and Captain Panaka rush into the room.

They bow before me, "Your Highness, Senator Palpatine has been nominated to succeed Valorum as Supreme Chancellor." Panaka says, "A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one. I promise, Your Majesty, if I am elected, I will bring democracy back to the Republic. I will put an end to corruption. The Trade Fedreation will lose its influence over the bureaucrats, and our people will be freed." Senator Palpatine continues.

"Who else can be nominated?" I ask them and move around the room "Bail Antilles of Alderaan and Ainlee Teem of Malastare." Panaka answers me, "I feel confident...our "situation" will create a strong sympaphy vote for us... I will be Chancellor, I promise you." Palpatine says.

"I fear by the time you have control of the bureaucrats, Senator, there will be nothing left of our cities, our people, our way of life..." I tell them "I understand your concern, Your Majesty; unfortunately, the Federation has possession of our planet. The law is in their favor." Palpatine tells me

I walk to stand in front of a desk and look out the window, making my decision "With the Senate in transition, there is nothing more I can do here...Senator, this is your arena. I feel I must return to mine. I have decided to go back to Naboo. My place is with my people." I tell them both.

"Go back!! But, Your Majesty, be realistic! You would be in danger. They will force you to sign the treaty." Palpatine objects, "I will sign no treaty, Senator. My fate will be no different from that of our people." I tell him and turn to Panaka "Captain!"

"Yes, Your Highness?" "Ready my ship!" I tell him, and he exits the room. "Please, Your Majesty, stay here...where it's safe." Palpatine says and I look at him worried.

"No place is safe, if the Senate doesn't condemn this invasion. It is clear to me now that the Republic no longer functions as a democracy." I tell him looking at him and then go to the exit of the room, "If you win the election, Senator, I know you will do everything possible to stop the Federation. I pray you will bring sanity and compassion back to the Senate." I finish and turn around to exit the room.

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