Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


Drake's P.O.V*

I walked through the baby store with Hayden. Brandon sat quietly in the cart playing with a toy he brought.

"How long are we going to be in here for?" I asked her, looking at the pile of baby supplies in the cart, trying to estimate the cost of them. Hayden mumbled something I couldn't make out. "What?"

"Nothing. We'll be leaving soon."

"Isn't Kristie throwing you a baby shower?"

"Yes, but A few extras won't hurt. I want to look at the cribs before we leave."

I followed Hayden to the isle of baby cribs. They were each colored differently, and I knew this would take her a while.

"Hayden, my mom wants us over for dinner." I reminded her.

"I know that Drake." She said, annoyance clear in her voice. She's been acting annoyed with me for the past week. I'm not sure if I did something or not. I've been telling myself it's the pregnancy to make things easier.

"I'm just reminding you."

"I think we'd be better off getting two cribs that match Brandon's old one. That way we don't need three new ones."

"Alright. But we can't get them today."

"I know. We'll come when we get our next paycheck."

Hayden and I went to check out. Putting both of our money together, we had just enough for the supplies. We loaded the bags into the car and Hayden buckled Brandon into his car seat while I returned the cart.

I returned to the car where Hayden and Brandon were waiting for me. I got in on the drivers side and started the car.

"What's with you lately?" I asked Hayden as I pulled out the parking space.

"What are you talking about?"

"I mean you acting so annoyed all of the time. Did I do something?"

"I don't want to talk about it right now."

"So there is something wrong?"

"I said I don't want to talk about it." She said with finality.

"Fine. But you're going to have to tell me eventually."

I drove us home and we went inside to get ready. I showered since I had a long day at work and dressed in black jeans and a grey sweater. Hayden took a quick shower while I got Brandon cleaned up. I dressed him in jeans and a red sweater. I let him brush his hair since he wanted to do it himself.

"Let's go." Hayden said, poking her head into Brandon's room. She wore faded jeans and a black sweater. Her hair was in light curls and pulled back.

I took Brandon's hand and took him downstairs. We quickly got in the car and I pulled out of the driveway.

"I want to know what's going on with you tonight, and I think it's better if you tell me before we get to my mom's house."

"I'd rather not."

"Hayden, quit putting it off and tell me. I'm going to bug you about it all night."

"I don't want to tell you."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm afraid it's true."

What could she think is true? Does she think I did something? She cant possibly know about me dealing again, can she?

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