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Hayden's P.O.V*

Brooke and Darren held my hand and Drake carried Alyssa on his shoulders as we walked across the parking lot to the restaurant. Brandon walked a little farther ahead of us.

Everyday it gets to me how fast they grew up. The triplets are seven now, and Brandon is ten. It feels like it was just yesterday they were our four little babies.

Brooke and Alyssa are identical, as expected, but we're able to tell them apart unlike some others. Alyssa has dark blonde hair like mine, Drake's brown eyes, and my smile. Brooke has dirty blonde hair that is sometimes mistaken as a light brown. She also has Drake's brown eyes, and his smile. Darren is a spitting image of Drake. He has the same dark brown hair, the same eyes, and the same smile.

Brandon has dirty blonde hair like Brooke's. As he gets older he's starting to look more like Drake. Now that he's a preteen, he's wanting to be more independent. It gets worse as he moves closer to being in high school. He even has a girlfriend named Kimberly. It's cute when Drake or I have to drive them to a movie or an ice cream shop. I know he hates it, but I want to drive him on all of his dates just so he doesn't have to get any older.

We entered the restaurant where we're meeting our friends and family. We found they table everyone was sitting at and found our seats. I smiled at our large, and growing group of friends and family.

Veronica has been seeing her boyfriend James for almost 2 years now. They're engaged and are expecting a baby in about 5 months. We were all surprised when she and James got together. She always told us she liked being alone, and that she was content with not having a family of her own. But she claimed when she met him, she knew he was the one.

Kristie and Joey are married now and Kristie tells me they're trying to have a baby. I know Joey's excited after all of the years Kristie made him wait. But Kristie has her college degree and a successful job, which is what she wanted before starting a family. I couldn't be any more proud of her.

Drake's mom and Jeffrey are married now. Drake still doesn't like Jeffrey, but Drake respects him more than before. My mom has been in a steady relationship with a guy named Phil. I've only met him once but he seems alright to me. I'm just happy she's able to find a decent guy for herself.

Carson and Cindy had another baby. A girl this time. They named her Clarissa. She's a toddler now, 3 years old. She's the cutest thing ever. She has hazel eyes and curly brown hair. Matt, my little brother, is the sweetest thing ever. He always does as he asked and he has the perfect manners. And most of all he absolutely adores me, even though we don't see each other often.

"I want to sit next to mommy." Darren whined. He sat in between Drake and I, in between his sisters.

"No." Brooke said, who sat directly beside me.

They began to argue back and forth and I sighed. I love that Darren is a momma's boy, but when we go out it's frustrating how he always wants to sit beside me. His sisters always deny him, just to get him annoyed.

"Brooke, sweetie, can you please switch with your brother?"

Brooke did as she was asked, which solved the problem quickly. Although the kids are older, it's still hard to keep them all happy.

"So how is everyone?" I asked. "Anything new?"

"Well," Kristie started. "Joey and I are finally starting our family."

A large smile crossed my face. My best friend is finally going to have a baby. I've been waiting for her to join the mommy club forever.

"I saw the doctor yesterday and it looks like I'm 8 weeks along." She continued.

"I'm so happy for you." I said. "Join the mommy club."

"And I want you and Drake to be the godparents."

"Of course we will. I'm so excited. I'm going to spoil that baby to death."

"Yeah, I know you will." She said with a sigh. "That's one thing I'm not looking forward to."

I wish Kristie and I had children closer together so they could go on play dates, but because I had kids early, that unfortunately couldn't happen. Now Drake and I have four kids and that's all we're planning to have.

"So Brandon," Drake's mom started. "we hear you have a girlfriend now. What's her name?"

"Kimberly." He simply answered.

"How long have you two been going out?" Kristie asked.

"I don't know." He shrugged. "A month? It's not a big deal."

"Of course it is. It's your first girlfriend."

Brandon simply shrugged. I let out a small sigh. I never imagined Brandon to grow up to become this. He was always so sweet and loving as a toddler and kid. Now he's so distant. He stays in his room practicing his music, which he's comes to love. He's only 10. I can only imagine what he'll be like by the time he's 15 and in high school.

After a nice lunch and catching up with everyone, we headed home. We all piled into our gold minivan and that Drake reluctantly traded his car in for. It's a price that has to be paid when you have four children.

"Daddy, can we get a dog?" Alyssa asked.

I looked at Drake to see his reaction. I could tell he was surprised by the question and I tried to hold in my laughter as I saw on his face that he was trying to find a way to tell her no.

"Rebecca said everyone has one, but we don't." Alyssa continued.

"Not everyone has a dog sweetheart." Drake finally answered. "It's okay if we don't have one."

"But I want one." I could hear the sadness in her voice and knew she'd be crying soon.

"Maybe when you're older." I said.

"But I want one now." She whined.

"If you keep this up, you definitely won't be getting one." I said.

I'm always the bad guy when it comes to Alyssa. She's a daddy's girl, which means when she asks Drake for something he can't say no. Brooke and Brandon are the only two who don't have favorites. They don't ask for things often. Daren knows to come to me to get what he wants.

We got home and the kids ran inside. Drake and went inside to find the girls playing in the living room with their dolls, and Darren playing in the dining room with his cars, using the furniture as ramps. Brandon was in his room. I could hear him practicing with his guitar.

Drake and I sat in the living room on the couch. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close. I rest my head on his shoulder. We watched the girls play and smiled. I'm 26 now a Drake is 27. We have three seven year olds and a ten year old. People our age would have toddlers or would be just starting their family. Drake and I may have become parents in our teens, but we've raised our children well. They aren't bad kids. Things started off rocky, but everything worked out in the end. Drake and I are happily married and we have four beautiful kids who makes us happy everyday. I love my family and my life and I wouldn't change it for the world.


This series has officially come to an end. :( This is the last book. I'm actually sad about this. I had fun writing these books and reading all of your amazing comments. Thank you to everyone who read from the first chapter of My Baby's Daddy to this epilogue. You guys are awesome. :) Please make sure to read some of my other books and comment on those!

Until next time!

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