Chapter 3

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After Tony had his "breakfast" the team set out in pairs to search for something to get the back to their own world as much as friendly the townspeople are they felt a bit homesick, they missed the Stark tower and their rooms and food and cereal and you can't forget about the pop-tart. Tony ran into a little boy with a basket full of berry's, "sorry" Tony said helping the boy up and grabbed his barry's and put it back in the basket. "I'm really sorry mister." The little boy said cleaning himself off. "It's alright" Tony said patting his head, "you should get back to your parents it's getting dark." "I will mister thank you again" the little boy said running to his house. "What was that" Sam said. "Nothing he just wasn't look at where he was going and neither was I".Tony said not noticing the the looks the team giving each other. "Well we found nothing but fruits and Barry's we should get back as Tony said it's getting dark" Clint said ready to go back to the inn and rest. "You guys can go on I'll stay and see what I can find" Tony said. Natasha, Clint, Bruce, Sam, and Steve said no and draged him back to the inn. They had dinner witch Tony did not want. "You should check up Natasha on him, he may seem calm but he's probably panicking maybe that's why he won't eat." Sam said. "Maybe" Natasha said after. She got up and went to check up on him.

Steve and Bucky were talking and the topic of Tony came up. "I wonder who's Tony's soulmates?" Bucky asked. "I don't really know Bucky Tony's a bit of a playboy and I don't think he wants anyone to date him to be honest." Steve said. "True also I don't think his soulmate is here their probably on our earth..." Clint said. The team talked more about Tony and Natasha came down dragging Tony from behind." I got him" Natasha said. She put Tony down and the group looked at tony, he was clearly angry and the team did not want to talk to him until he calmed down. "I said I'm not hungry!'' Tony said really angry and not wanting to look in Natasha's eyes cuz he knows once he does Natasha will feed him like a baby, and it's embarrassing to him. "1...2..." Natasha said. "Alright alright! I'll eat god your scary for no reason" Tony said, with that he started eating and the team continued talking.

After dinner the team went back to their room. Steve went to the bathroom to shower, while Bucky was on the bed reading a book. Tony was already on the bed trying to get his phone to work but couldn't cuz there is no wifi here. Steve got out and it was Bucky's turn. Tony glanced at Steve and looked at his abs and ass, let's just say Tony's nose was bleeding a bit. Bucky saw this but didn't say anything, he just went back in the bathroom.

At night Tony was still awake because he couldn't sleep so he went downstairs and asked the innkeeper for some beer. While he was drinking the same little boy came in and asked for some herbs that he needed for his sick mom. "I'm sorry we don't have any as of right now....I'm really sorry" the innkeeper said. "Well I have time to go look for some herbs what are they." Tony asked standing up, "well it's just some oregano for tea and uh herbs to heal wounds." The little boy said. With that Tony walked out and got the herbs the boy needed and he knew where to look because he had come across them before while looking with the team early the day. Tony got back and gave it to the boy. "How mush do I need to pay for it" the boy said. "Nothing you don't have to pay." Tony said giving a friendly smile to the boy. "Thank you so much mister." The boy said running off with the herbs. The innkeeper was very greatfull and asked Tony if he wanted a free beer. Tony of course said yes, he drank it said thank you and walked back to his room. Tony got on the bed and went to sleep soundly.

Thank you for reading if there's want mistakes please tell me and I will be doing a holiday special chapter for Halloween this months! 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜


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