Chapter 22

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Tony p.o.v
I walked out of the workshop and sat down in the living room Steve and Bucky were playing trivia stuff, the loser has to do something embarrassing, while the winner has to do something, I don't know I wasn't here when they started saying the rules. I watched them because it was interesting to watch, there's the confused one and then the not so smart guy but still smart one. I had gotten snacks cuz let me tell you it funny seeing the two fail, but surprisingly Bucky is winning.

Steve was calm and collected while Bucky was nervous, Steve asked a question and Bucky answered.

One hour later

Bucky has won, I'm gonna have to owe Peter some money, a while back I called Peter saying who do you think would win, Bucky or Steve. I thought he was going to say Steve but no, he said Bucky and now I owe him 20 bucks, Damn.

Steve went somewhere and Bucky stood beside me, I was awkward sitting..or standing next to him. Bucky was older then me by three years.(Not true!) I hope Steve comes out already I feel very uncomfortable.

Steve can out after what felt like hours but it was really 30 minutes, in a dress, well that is embarrassing. I took a picture, Steve's yelling at me to delete the picture, and Bucky's laughing. I chuckled a bit which made Bucky to stop laughing and Steve to stop yelling at me. It took a while to figure out that the room is quite and I'm the one still laughing.

Steve p.o.v
While Tony was in the workshop, me and Bucky decided to play a small game. Trivia. We started the game and started asking questions, Tony was looking and looked interested. Bucky told me the loser has to do something embarrassing while the winner gets to boss you around for two weeks.

After and hour I had lost, I heard Tony and Peter talking about something, I was focused on the game. I walked out and went to Natasha's room to put on a dress, she's gonna kill me.

I walked out after 30 minutes later and stood in front of the Tony and Bucky. Tony took and picture witch I was yelling at him to delete it and Bucky was laughing his butt off.

I heard something I've never thought I'd hear it alone, Tony was laughing, well, quietly like a chuckle, I was blushing a deep red. He looked around confused as to why it's so quiet I wanted to listen to his laugh a bit longer.

Time skip! (✿^‿^)

Bucky and Tony made a bet(make your own bet I Wana see what you guys come up with), let's say that Bucky won this one. They sat me down on the corner, those two are going to cook dinner and whoever tastes better is what we'll have for dinner

Bucky since he won gets to boss me around but I don't know how Tony will let Bucky boss him around. Bucky was ready to begin cooking and so was Tony, they started cooking.

It was really boring to wait so I was on phone most of the time, if not my phone it's Tony I'm staring at, he's so hot when he really want something done. I turn away quickly when ever Tony turns around, don't wana risk anything turning this into an awkward situation.

After they were done I was the taste tester, first was Bucky which was ok, I'm a little surprised to be honest I thought it was gonna be bad. Then was Tony, it was so good but I couldn't tell him that because me and Bucky made a plan, "Bucky wins." Tony look surprised and squished my cheek, "that's bullshit, now tell the truth." Bucky grabs his shoulder, "you lost now I get to boss you around." He said with a smirk on his face, I was too focused that Tony had his hands on cheeks.

Hey! Happy Wednesday, I'm uploading a chapter today because tomorrow is my half day at school, sooo I'm gonna have a lot of time to upload more stories! See yah Friday

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