🎄Christmas Special 🎄

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    Tony's p.o.v

It is December 23rd and the team started decorating two weeks ago, now their putting up the tree and waiting for tomorrow to put the star on the tree. Peter is the most excited here, everyone has their partners for the Christmas party tomorrow, except me and Steve...I refuse to go with but maybe for this Christmas...I could put it behind us, but I'm not gonna ask him first he has to.

We are in a mall shopping for nice clothes we were broken up into groups of two, you guessed it everyone with their partners, so it means that I'm with Steve. The theme is Christmas of course but matching with your partners, just great!

Steve was uncomfortable I could tell, "you know you don't have to stick with me right?" Steve looked a bit surprised when I talked to him, "I know but....I really want to match with you for tomorrow." He said with that stupid, sweet, smile of his, I sighed and went to the first Christmas rack there was, Steve was also looking. 

We found a matching outfit and bought it, now we just have to wait for the rest of the team to finish. We decided that we are going to buy some food because we both agree that they are going to take a while. We arrive at a café, the waiter came and sat us down., we looked at the menu, "the cheese cake look good with coffee" Steve said looking at me, "I'll take the croquembouche with coffee." Steve looked at me funny and I told him that croquembouche, is a french dessert consisting of choux pastry puffs piled into a cone and bound with threads of caramel. As i was talking about how those are my favorite dessert and how their popular in french, Steve was listing and paying attention to me, I stopped talking and looked away embarrassed. 

"excuse me, are you guys ready to order." the waiter asked, we said yes and gave our orders, they walked away. I asked what's his favorite dessert since he knows mine, he said he liked apple pie, he would've orders it but it they didn't have it so he ordered cheese cake. The waiter came and gave us our dessert, we ate them happily. 

     Steve p.o.v 

Once we bought our matching clothes, we were waiting when we decided to go somewhere to eat. we arrived at a cafe and the waiter sat us down, we looked at our menu I told Tony that I would like a cheese cake with coffee, I asked what he would he was going to order, he told me that he was going to order something called croquembouche with coffee,I looked at him weird by accident I just didn't know what those are, he saw this and explained to me what they were, I listened to him because a part piqued my interest because he said those are his favorite dessert, he noticed I was listing to him, he stooped talking and looked away embarrassed, it was cute. He asked me what my favorite dessert was and I told him that it was apple pie and I would've ordered it if they had it. the waiter came and gave us our desserts, we ate them happily.  

The team called us saying they were ready to go back home, Tony got the car and we picked up the team. After we got home Peter was there with Wade, I still don't trust him but I can't prove it, Peter was in the kitchen and Wade was staring at his ass, I was going to hit him when Peter turned around and had brownies on a tray, "Mr.Stark! I made brownies for you guys" he said with his normal friendly smile, the team each got a brownie and ate them, they said it was good, I was saving mine for tomorrow because I can't eat a lot of sweets. Natasha told us that we should watch a Christmas movie and stay up  till 12:00 so we can open our present. All of them said except for me, "we should watch Nightmare before Christmas!" peter said. We all said yes because we didn't want to say no to him plus it's a really good movie. The team got the blanket and snacks out, everyone sat with their parents, meaning again Tony was with me. We sat next to each other with our own snack and we shared blankets.

Tony was thr first one down to fall asleep witch was surprising, his head was on my shoulder and the team took a picture of this and we decided to give the present tomorrow morning when everyone was awake. We finished watching the movie and we all went to bed except for Tony I had to bring him to his room, I put him down but he grabbed my arm and pulled me down, he kissed my cheek and cuddled with me, he was so cute like this, I feel asleep after.

In the morning Peter woke us all up to hand our presents, he draged Tony and me to the living room, I asked what time it was and Peter said 12:00am, he said we slept in and handed out presents to us. It seemed that everyone already opened theirs because they were to impatient, Tony opened his and it was a new computer, he was very thankful. I opened mine and I got a box full of recipes, I was really happy I liked cooking a lot. Tony gave me a smirk and went to the workshop. The rest of the team went to their original things to do I was going to cook dinner today. But there was no note or anything on the gift and the only people that knows I like to have recipes to cook is Bucky and Tony. Guess I'll have to thank them both.

Marry Christmas! 🎄⛄ I hope you enjoyed this special chapter. Enjoy your Christmas! See you!
(´∩。• ᵕ •。∩')

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