Chapter 4

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Steve woke a bit early then usual and let's just say he saw something he should and shouldn't at the same time, Steve accidentally saw Tony's mark while he was applying the concealer on. Something made Steve a bit happy that No one else was Tony's soulmate, but something in him also made him a bit angry. Maybe it because Tony hid his mark from the group because he probably know that's Steve also has the same mark on his body. Steve heard someone walking here so he pretended to be asleep. Natasha came in without knocking because she thought no one was awake yet. "Natasha could you not." Tony said quickly pulling down his shirt. "What was that?" Natasha asked walking closer to Tony. "It's nothing stay back." Tony said, but that wasn't enough for Natasha so she grabbed Tony and lifted his shirt. "You have your's like Steve's mark." Tony was angry at Natasha for lifting his shirt. "I refuse to believe that, I hate him" Tony said with a sour expression. "If your done leave Natasha." Natasha had told Tony that he will have to tell the team or it will get a bit suspicious that he hasn't gotten his mark yet. "Whatever" was all Tony said when Natasha left. Tony finished covering his mark and went outside.

Bucky had woken up from the two talking but pretending to be asleep like Steve was, Steve got up and was deep in thoughts. Bucky patted Steve's shoulder, "I heard what the two we're talking do you feel" Bucky said, "I don't know Bucky I never expected Tony to be my soulmate let alone someone I'd date.... plus you heard him he hates me" Steve said a bit saddened by what Tony said. "Do you like Tony?" Steve didn't know how to exactly feel about Tony but he knew that it hurts when Tony said he hated him or that he didn't like him or being yelled by Tony. So he didn't know how to comprehend this feeling and just pushed it very back before but now it's suffocating and wants to cry and punch something. Steve didn't realize he was crying until Bucky pointed it out. Bucky made Steve lean in his chest and let him cry until he calmed down and was ok to talk.

Sam and Clint heard this by accident and decided they needed time, so they left and joined with the group. While they were taking a walk Clint and Sam where trying how to bring up the topic of Tony. " Tony did you get your mark." Clint asked. "I don't have one." Tony said not even bothering to look at them. "That means your lonely." Bruce said. " I don't mind, I don't have to protect someone who's weak." Tony said a bit angry that their bringing this up. "Alright alright sorry god." Bruce said. Tony thanked them and return to looking for some clue to get back home. Let's just say Tony was frustrated and wanted to punch something but he had to look calm and collected for the team. Clint, Sam, and Bucky went back to the library to try and find something, Natasha, Bruce, Steve, and Tony went back to the spot they landed and looked around to find something, anything to be honest. "We will never get back." Bruce said. "We have to! Just find something!" Tony said, "calm down Tony." Steve said while going to touch him. Tony just moved away pretending that Steve wasn't going to touch him, Steve felt a bit saddened and he seemed bothered by it that Natasha and Bruce noticed how Steve looked. Tony just went further in the forest without the team noticing. Natasha, Bruce, and Steve went looking for him, after an hour or so when they realized Tony was quite and not there.

Thank you for being patient with this chapter and sorry it's a bit short. See you all Saturday.

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