chapter 16

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Steve p.o.v

I woke up really early and decided to go to the gym we have in the tower. I took off my shirt and started working with my headphones on.

When five hours has passed I decided to go up and get breakfast when I saw Natasha making breakfast. She saw me and asked what was wrong. I asked why she would say that,"you have dark circles under your eyes." She said. I looked in the mirror and saw my eyes, I just told her it was a bad dream. I sat down and waited for the others to came.

After the team all but Tony came and we started eating.

After we ate Bucky grabbed my hand and pulled me to his room. "You look like shit Steve." Bucky said sitting me down. "I know..." Was all I could say. He asked me what happened yesterday and I told him what Tony told me and I started crying. Bucky sat down and comfort me. I feel asleep after.

  Tony p.o.v

I was working in my workshop when I heard the door open. "What do you want." I said while not looking up from what I was doing, "to talk." Was all I heard when I look up and saw Bucky, "I'm not going to talk to you." I said going for my drink when he snatched it away from me, "listen, just because your cool with team and I let you do whatever. But you do not take my stuff or touch it or be anywhere near my stuff." I said getting angry. "Then we're going to talk like enemy's." He said while pushing me on the chair. "What the hell's your problem! I said,"maybe if you didn't break Steve's heart like that we wouldn't have this problem. Get over it that was a long time ago!". I felt furious, does he really think that him killing my parents was ok!? "I trusted Steve, he was the one guy I could count on....then you go and kill my parents and he covers for you...." I said trying not to cry. Bucky looks at me," I didn't mean it, it was an accident." I'd believe that, "just because we got this marks doesn't mean we're soulmate or supposed to be together. Steve broke my trust. It's not going to come back that easily. I will never forgive you or Steve." I said biting my lips to stop me from crying.

Bucky looks at me and sits down, "Then try please, I'm not asking you to forgive me, I'm asking to forgive Steve. It wasn't his fault." All I could say was,"get out." And he did. 

Steve p.o.v

When I woke up Bucky was gone, I knew this wasn't a good thing. I stood up and walked out, I heard yelling and I thought  they were fighting so I walked really close to the door. I saw someone going to come out so I sat in the chair and saw Bucky walk out. We locked eyes and Bucky sat down next to me,"what was that yelling." I asked concerned for both of them. Bucky explained what was happening in there and that he asked Tony to forgive me and not him. I told him he doesn't have to do anything for me but as stubborn as he is, he said its ok and that it doesn't matter if he gets involved, "you're my best friends Steve I want whats good for you, even if it means getting together with Tony."Bucky said with a smile on his face. I felt guilty when he said that. 

~~~~~time skip~~~ brought by moi

Tony was making dinner as punishment fro making Natasha come and get him from his room. Apparently Natasha found him drunk and chugging his alcohol, so Natasha made Tony cook dinner. Tony was done after hours at least the food taste really good, don't tell Natasha this but Tony's food was better then hers. 

Have a good Sunday and a Great Thanksgiving! I will try posting longer chapters since I won't have school this week! (OwO) 

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