Chapter 29

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   Steve p.o.v

On the last ride we were going on, Tony told us he couldn't go because he got dizzy and I remember, he didn't eat all day, and Bucky was trying to get Tony on the ride. I decided that after this ride I am going to take Tony to a restaurant.

The ride ended and we went looking for Tony, we saw that he was talking about to someone else, he was smiling a bit and drinking. I felt mad, I walked over there and asked who this was, he told me his name is Dr. Strange. He shook our hand and said hello.

I look at Tony and he look back at me he seemed confused, I think he was trying to figure out whether I'm mad or not, I am mad but not at the same time, "I'm sorry Dr.Strange, but we need to borrow Tony and leave. Have a great time of your day." I said smiling and grabbed Tony and went somewhere far away from him.

Bucky was walking beside me while I had Tony's hand and continued walking to the car, "whoa! Hey! Can you let me go I can walk." He said, I didn't listen I just continue walking, it seems Tony got the idea because he just let it happen. We arrived at the car and I told Bucky he could drive, I put Tony on the backseat and got in myself, "can you calm down and tell me what made you so angry. And can you let go of my wrist your hurting me." I let go and got the first-aid kit, I saw that Tony was running his wrist...I didn't think I was holding his wrist tight, I put some cream to make sure it doesn't itch or anything.

Bucky was driving while I was with Tony, I was looking for ways to explain to him why we just ran out without telling him I was jealous. Tony kept asking me but I just stayed quiet. I didn't want him to know it was for some stupid reason. Tony stopped asking me and went on his phone.

     Tony p.o.v

Steve said something to Dr. Strange he grabbed my hand and went to car, I told him to let go of me but he just continue walking. We arrived at the car and he shoved me in the backseat and told Bucky to drive. If there were people around they'd said there was a kidnapping.

I told him to let me go because he was hurting me, he seemed to be mad at himself for hurting me, he grabbed my wrist and applied some cream, I don't know why but it felt nice.

I asked Steve what was wrong and what made him leave the park, he didn't want to say anything witch made me a bit mad because he just took me away and he won't even give me a reason as to why he did it. I went on my phone for the rest of ride.

---When they arrived at the hotel---

I got off the car and went to our hotel room. I opened it and went straight to my room, I didn't bother with taking off my shoes, I felt really tierd. I took my clothes off after two minutes and went to take a bath.

After I got out of the shower, I smelled something good, I went out to see what it was and it was Steves cooking, I looked around and noticed that Bucky wasn't here, Steve gave me a sad smile and gave me food, "I'm sorry." I heard him say.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! ෆ╹ .̮ ╹ෆ Stay tuned for chapter 30 I'm working on it today so it should be out today. (◕દ◕)

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