Chapter 17

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 This chapter is going Steve's p.o.v! The next  chapter is going Tony and then back to normal with switching back to different p.o.v

  Steve p.o.v 

While we were finishing eating we heard a knock on the door, so Tony went to get it, I went with him in case if it's that tax guy again. We saw Wade with peter next to him, Tony was angry with Peter and Wade so he let them in and made them kneel down and lectured them, "what did i tell you! it's not even a weekend. Peter you're grounded and Wade you're not meeting peter this week. Thank you for bringing peter home"  Tony said pushing Wade out of the house and locking the door. Peter tried to leave but Tony just sat him down and started yelling common sense at Peter witch surprised most of the team except me and Bruce. Peter said he was sorry and that he'll never do it again. Tony calmed down and made him eat some dinner that was left. 

After Peter ate and rested Tony dragged Peter to the gym. Natasha said I should go down there with them, I said ok and followed them to the gym. Peter was excited, I don't know why I wouldn't want spar with Tony when he's angry. I was sitting in on the exercise  bicycle doing my work out while watching Tony and Peter fight.

After a while of them fighting, Peter had good technique but Tony won with how much he trains. Peter was too tired to move so Tony let rest a while, he took his shirt off while sparring with Peter, his so hot I saw his abs and his v-line, I want to kiss that up and mark him mine, I want to hold him between my arms and devour him like he's cake.  I decided to stop thinking before it gets to dirty. Tony was drinking and looking at Peter, I think he's thinking if he should stop where they are now. Peter stood up and tried to take a drink witch Tony snatched up, "if you drink water that means your done with the day." Peter looked up and grabbed the water and drank it, Tony let him leave. 

Me and Tony were left here Tony looked at me and decided to go up too. I got as quickly has possible and grabbed his hand, "can we just talk." I said not wanting to let go his hand. Tony looked at me again but this time with anger, sadness, and disgusted. I wanted to let go but I couldn't I wanted to know what was the cause of these emotions in his eyes. "please talk to me Tony, we need to talk". Tony got out of my grip and walked to his room. 

I was sitting on the couch crying when I felt a hand on my back I looked over it was Natasha, she sat next to me "his stubborn, and doesn't know how talk with other people., but he finds a way to talk and that's with anger and fighting, you better find a way to talk to him. I know you have a good explanation as to why his ignoring you. You'll find a way, I know you will" She said giving me one of her smiles that say's "i believe in you you". She patted me on the back and left. I wiped my eyes and decided to get Bucky and plan on how to get him to talk to me. Me and Bucky was making planes and back up plans in case the original plan fails. 

Thank you for reading this chapter. I don' t think i'm going to be able to up lodes on Sundays. I will make longer chapters and make sure I up lode a lot on Fridays. Thank you for understanding and have a great Friday and Late(by one day) Thanksgiving!

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