Chapter 28

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     Steve p.o.v 

As I was driving I was talking to Bucky and Tony after I got angry with that lady as if nothing happen, I didn't want to be asked about that. We arrived after an hour, I parked the car where there was a space left. Tony got his hat on and started walking, "didn't think you two would be so excited to be here."

Bucky looked at me and said, "well we've never been to one of these before. Didn't know they existed before Natasha told us we should bring y-." I covered his mouth before he said that last sentence. Tony looked at us weird, and continued walking. I whispers to Bucky that I didn't want him to know, Bucky looked at me and said fine.

We arrived at the front desk, Tony got us the bracelet to ride all the ride. I told him it wasn't necessary, " you've never been here the least I can do is make your experience be a good one." Tony said smirking at us, I feel like he's showing off his money again but I dont really care. Tony guided us to the first ride, it was really big and tall. Bucky was excited to ride but now that I look at the hight limit, I was honestly worried that Tony wouldn't be able to ride some of the rides here.

Well Tony is shorter then me and Bucky so I guess I just thought he wouldn't be able to use some of the rides but I was wrong, hah. Tony got in the front and we sat next to him. It started going and after 2 minutes we were off the ride was so fun.
After a while me and Bucky was getting hungry so Tony lead us to a food place and we got food there, as I was eating I was Tony look a bit shock but turned to us as if I didn't see him be so shook, I wanted to ask him about what happen when he said he needed to use the bathroom. He came out after a while and sat with us again, "Tony why don't you eat?" I heard Bucky say Tony looked at him and said, "I'll eat more later. Not really hungry." Tony drank his soda, "We should wait a while you guys just ate and you'll probably get dizzy and throw up . Tony was on his phone while me and Bucky were talking about what ride we should go next. 

      Tony p.o.v

I heard Bucky and Steve's stomach growling so I decided to bring them to a food area, They order what they wanted and I payed. As they were eating I saw the dude with the weird cape and the slick back hair, I almost spit my water but I tried to look composed as quickly as possibly, I told them I was going to the bathroom, I washed my face with lots of water thinking if I just imagined him, it's crazy I even forgot he even existed. 

I walked back and sat down, Bucky asked me why I wasn't eating, I don't get hungry that easily so I told him I'll eat later and I wasn't hungry. I told him they should rest so they don't throw up on one of the ride, I was on my phone while they were talking about what ride their going to go on next. We waited an hour and we started going to the ride they were talking about, I didn't want to go so I just waited for them. They beg me to go but I had to lie to them and told them I was dizzy and I couldn't go.

While I was waiting for them, I wasn't looking so while I was walking towards a bench I bumped into the guy with the weird cap, I look up and told him I was sorry and I should look at where I was going, "we gotta stop meeting like this Mr.Stark." I heard him say, he knows who I am even worse, I think he could see I was embarrassed that he changed the subject he told me him name witch was Stephen Strange, his last name was strange. (I'm sorry that was a bad joke) I was laughing to myself, I looked at him more he was ok, "I'm really sorry I should really be looking where I am going, can I buy you something?" I  saw he was thinking about it, he said I could get him a drink, and hey! just my luck there's a drink stand there. 

I went with him and he order what he wanted and I bought it, we sat on the bench and talked for a while, I guess we were talking a lot that the time past by fast, because Steve and Bucky came back and let just say that Steve did not look happy, " Tony who's this?" Bucky asked I told them this is Dr. Strange, Strange shook their hand and said "hello" and "how do you do". I looked up at Steve and he did not look like himself.

Hey sorry for not uploading a chapter yesterday I was really busy, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I just want to let you guys know that I will be returning to my normal uploading days just Fridays since I start school tomorrow, I'll try to get the chapter longer then normal. Enjoy your Sunday! <3 

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