Chapter 26

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     Tony's p.o.v

I woke up with a heavy feeling on my waist, I turn to see Steve with his arm around my waist. He looks peaceful and cute, wait...I called Steve cute!? What is wrong with me! I stoop up and walked out really quickly.

Bucky was looking at me funny like, "where's Steve." Face. I didn't talk to him, he made us breakfast witch was weird but I don't feel like complaining, this is a day of relaxing and fun...for those two I'm not looking to swing at the beach but I'm looking forward on the rides. I eat the breakfast and got ready.

Steve was eating his breakfast, "two rooms and one bathroom perfect." Bucky said looking annoyed. Steve went to the bathroom and got ready. We were waiting for Steve to be done and go to the beach, I was not existed but I could pretend so I wouldn't  concern them with something so stupid. Steve walked out and was ready, we walked out the door and went to the beach... walking....My feet were hurting but I couldn't whine knowing Bucky and Steve, Steve would probably carry me or something.

We arrive about an hour walk, It was terrible with Bucky singing and Steve trying to joke, but it was cute. As we were walking I was thinking and I come to the consultation, yes I like Steve. Bucky was looking at me weird and Steve gave me a a hat that covers my face, I think it's because he thinks I'm having a heatstroke, who can blame me it't hot as hell! Even tho he was wrong very very wrong.

      Steve p.o.v 

I woke up and looked around that I wasn't on the couch but in a room, I realized this room was Tony's. I'm pretty sure I  don't sleepwalk and when Bucky is a sleep he doesn't like to give up his bed. I got up and walked out to see I was the last one to wake up, I eat my breakfast and got ready. We walked out and started walking, walking a really good exercises so I suggested we go on a walk, Bucky seemed like he was willing to walk one hour witch isn't far but Tony looked a bit annoyed and not to be rude or anything I don't think he's the type of guy to go on walks in the morning. 

We set out Bucky was singing and I was trying to joke around, Tony looked amused sometimes and he would say that wasn't funny then do his quiet cute chuckle, after a while he got quiet and he looked in deep thoughts. I didn't want to bother him so I was talking to Bucky most of the time, when I looked back to see how Tony was doing  and he was red and sweating, I gave him my hat quickly so he wouldn't have a heatstroke. I wanted to pick him up and run somewhere where there's a shade, but I couldn't I know he doesn't like me touching him. 

We arrive and looked around It was really beautiful, Tony had the stuff. We walked to a spot that seems nice and we settled down, Bucky was the first to go to the water, I was going next when I noticed that Tony was not in his swimsuit, " Tony aren't you getting in?" I asked him, he looked at me with a smile said, "who's gonna look after our stuff." I told him that's a good point but if he wanted to switch, he said ok and I got in the water. 

The sun was setting so we got out of the water and changed, I woke Tony up and asked for permission to pick him, he sleepy said yes, and I picked him up and we walked home. 

Hey! it's almost news year eve!🎉🎊✨ I'm sorry I didn't upload a chapter yesterday. Hoped you enjoyed this chapter see you all tomorrow! ❤️

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