Chapter 23

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    Tony p.o.v
Bucky and me made a bet, let say he won, now I have to cook something for something, I don't know. If Bucky won he would boss me around for a week, if I won I would do something. We started cooking, I sometimes look at Steve because I feel like he's looking at me, but whenever I turn I see that his on his phone.

After we were done with cooking Steve was the taste tester, he took a bit of the food and looked surprised, not the bad surprised like "this is terrible." Surprised the "this is actually really good." Surprised, witch got me nervous because that would mean I would loose and I didn't want Bucky to boss me around. He tasted mine and looked like he had stars in his eyes, "Bucky won." I grabbed his cheek and started squishing them, "that's bullshit, now tell the truth. Bucky grabbed my shoulders,"you lost, so I get to boss you around." He said with that smug look he has.

We were bickering about it for a while, when I noticed that Steve is really quiet, I turned around to see that he was blushing, I looked at him weird. Bucky just slapped my arm and took Steve away, I called Natasha because they were taking long then I anticipated, "we are out of town we'll be back next month!"...when I tell you my face drop it did.

I was pacing back and forth, Natasha called me again saying, "don't drink to much and don't make Steve and Bucky's lives harder." I wouldn't want to be next to them while I drink who knows what I'll do in front of them. Bucky came out, "I know what you'll do for today." I looked at him weird then I remembered our bet, I said ok and he said....I needed to go on a date...with Steve.

After a while of convincing me to at least take him to dinner I said yes. I told Steve to get ready because we are going out, I went to my room to get ready too. After a while Steve is ready and we walked, I told Steve that the team is somewhere and they're not going be back till next month, his face also dropped but his face had a smile. I'm telling you Bucky and Steve are planing something, I just don't know what, Bucky told me if he finds out that I made Steve  cry he's gonna kill me witch I doubt he can, but then again he killed my parents so I better watch out. 

       Steve p.o.v  

Tony asked me to go to dinner with him I was so happy, he told me to get ready. I went to my room and got ready I walked out and saw Tony there already, we walked out and I got into the car. Tony was driving us fast, I'm not used to the speed so when we got the restaurant I wanted to vomit. Tony felt sorry and I could tell he waited for me to feel better before we got in. 

I felt better after 10 minutes or so. We walked in and Tony forgot to call so we waited to be seated, we waited 20 minutes to be seated but I didn't mind we were playing 20 questions, I didn't learn anything new about Tony. We sat down and looked at menu, I thought the Chicken Alfredo looked, the waiter came asked if we were to order we said Tony order Burgers with beer, order spaghetti and meatball with white wine, Tony looked at me surprised I'd do something like that, "didn't know you like white wine with your spaghetti Rogers." Tony said with a smirk, he looks more hot when he does that, I blushes a bit, our food came and we ate. Tony got a bit too drunk so I took him home.

Happy Christmas Eve I'm writing a story for tomorrow so stay tuned!

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