Chapter 34

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   Steve p.o.v

Tony looked like he wanted to throw up, I asked him about it and he said he was "fine." Sam and Bucky also saw this, but we decided that if Tony wants help he'll asked whether he likes it or not.

I have never been skating, Tony seemed like a natural and so did Sam. Me and Bucky were like fish without water, we were that bad. Sam grabbed  Bucky and was teaching him. Tony looked at me and grabed my hand, "I didn't think you'd be that bad, your embarrassing me here." Tony said with a chuckle at the end when he finished, I cracked a smile, "mind teaching me Mr.Stark." Tony was blushing I could tell his ears get red and his face too.

Tony was trying to calm down, he let go of my hands really fast so I moved a bit and I wasn't holding onto anything so I fell on my butt. Tony apologized and helped me up, I had to get back at him so I pulled him down with me while I was still on the ground. Tony looked at me with disbelieve that I would do something like that, I was smiling making sure he knew this was a joke or a fun way to play.

      Tony's p.o.v

I was helping Steve up because I felt bad that I made him fall. So as I was helping him, he pulled me down and I fell on top of him. I looked at him shooked that he would do something like that but I saw his smile and he was just playing. I really like his smile, I stood up and walked a few inches away so he would be stuck there for a while.

I saw him struggling for a while, it was funny, Bucky even tried to help him up but he failed and now both of them are on the floor, Sam looked at me, "aren't you going to help him up?"
He said as he was pulling Bucky up, "how are the going to learn how to stand up without our help. Plus I like seeing him struggle."

Sam looked at me weird and helped Steve up. Steve slowly walked to the carpet area and took the skates off, Bucky and Sam did the same. I knew that it was time to go, I walked over and took my shoes off, we out our normal shoes on and I gave the shoes back to the lady at the front desk.

I got in the car and drove back home. I parked my car and got out, I felt sick. I walked in the house and went straight to the bathroom.

   Steve p.o.v

After we drove back, Tony parked really fast and went straight in the house, me,Bucky, and Sam looked at each other concern for Tony. We walked in and hearing something in the bathroom, Tony was throwing up, I went and patted Tony on the back, "I think it was something I eat. I feel better thank you." I heard Tony say, he got up and brushed his teeth.

I walked out, in case he wanted to shower, witch he did, I heard the shower on, I walked completely out of the room and went to the living room, "something just upset his stomach, the food maybe." I told Sam and Bucky, "maybe it was the drink, he needs to stop drinking a lot." Bucky added.

Sam slapped the back of Bucky's head, not hard or soft, like in the middle. Bucky pouted, "I'm not wrong." Me and Sam knew this, Tony came out and walked to the kitchen. He walked back out with water and a pill, "I'm going on my room to rest, if Natasha calls, uhm..tell her I'm drunk and I passed out in my room." He told us as he walked quickly as possible inside the room.

We looked at each other and laughed a bit, me and Sam could tell that Tony was warming up to me and Bucky.
After a while Natasha called, Bucky picked up, "hey! How's it going over there, is Tony good?" Bucky looked at us and passed the phone to Sam, "his alright, he's just sick." Sam said, Natasha looked at us weird, "Tony is sick..? Dang it! I owe Bruce money now." I looked at her weird, "Bruce and me had a bet, whether or not Tony would get sick at least one time while his over there. And I bet he would get sick two times." We all laughed at Natasha, "stop laughing, and you all will need to take care of him, except for Sam his not even supposed to be there."

We looked at Bucky, Natasha hanged up. Bucky crossed his arms and asked Sam what he meant by that, "I was worried that Tony would kill you or at least hurt you while we were away." Sam said, we looked at each other and told him that Tony was behaving really well before he came. We sat down and watched a movie.

Happy Friday!! ( ╹▽╹ ) ⁽⁽◝( •௰• )◜⁾⁾ Thank you for your patience! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'll see you all next Friday!


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